الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2022

دلالة لفظ أمسكوهن أو فارقوهن في سورتـيي الطلاق 5هـ والبقرة 2هـ =نركي= H. H.5. ve H. H. H. el-Bakara surelerinde geçen “Onları yakaladı veya ayırdı” kelimesinin anlamı


22 Ağustos 2021 Pazar

Al-Talak Suresi 5 AH ve Al-Bakara 2 AH'de "Amskohn" kelimesinin önemi

H. H.5. ve H. H. H. el-Bakara surelerinde geçen “Onları yakaladı veya ayırdı” kelimesinin anlamı 

Öyleyse onları iyilikle yakala veya iyilikle salıver.

  Bakara Suresi'nde tevkif, boşanmanın sahih olması + onu muhafaza ederek boşamama ve Kur'an metninin gücüyle yanılmazlığına döndürme anlamına gelir {Çünkü Kur'an metni buna Allah tarafından yetki vermiştir ve bu, Allah'ın kulları üzerindeki nimetlerinden biri de boşanan kişinin boşanma çilesinden büyük olmayan geri dönüşü olmayan bir kayıpla çıkması Allah'ın ona iki kez geri alma hakkı vermesi} ile Boşanmanın hesaplanması evlilik hayatına devam etmek demektir ve onu terhis uçurumuna düşmenin eşiğinden kurtarmak, ancak kendisi için hesaplanan bir boşanma kaybı ile, Talak Suresi'nde, koca geri çekilir ve karısını yakalarsa hiçbir kayıp yoktur.Bekleme süresi, ancak Talak Suresi'nde koca, karısını bekleme süresi sonrasına kadar boşanma ilanını ertelemek için tuttu. 

Böylece Bakara Suresi'nin boşanmışı cebinden *boşanmış* *boşanmış ve boşandığı kadının sözleşmesiz ve çeyizsiz geri dönüşünü kazanmıştır. 

Ve Talak Suresini, onu tutarak boşayan, asıl ayrılığın eşiğinde iken, tüm sahayı kazanmış, her şeyi kaybetmek üzereydi, böylece ayetin metni onu kurtardı (böylece onları yakaladılar). ..} toplam kayıp üzerindeki dikenlerinden gerçek toplam kazanca

Allah -u Teâlâ Bakara Suresi'nde , "Kadınları boşadığınız zaman iddetlerini tamamlamış olurlar" buyurmuştur.

 Öyleyse onları nezaketle yakalayın 

 veya onları serbest bırakın 

 ve aşırıya kaçmak için onları zarara uğratmayın. 


 Ve bunu kim yaparsa kendine zulmetmiş olur. 


 Allah'ın ayetlerini alay konusu yapmayın. 

 Ve Allah'ın üzerinizdeki nimetini, size indirdiği Kitap'ı ve size öğüt verdiği hikmeti anın. 

 Allah'tan korkun ve bilin ki Allah her şeyi hakkıyla bilendir.


 Kadınları boşarsanız, iddetlerini doldurmuşlardır.  { Blogger'a vadeye ulaşmanın onu en az kayıpla tutmak, boşanmayı saymak ve çeyizsiz veya sözleşmesiz geri almak olduğunu söyledim.} 


O halde aralarında güzel bir şekilde anlaşırlarsa, eşlerini yeniden evlenmelerine engel olmayın. 


 Buraya ve tamamlamak için, Tanrı'nın izniyle, gelmek için, Tanrı'nın izniyle    -

 Bu, içinizden Allah'a ve ahiret gününe inananlara, sizin için daha akıllı ve daha temiz olan öğütleniyor ve en iyisini Allah bilir.


 Ana-babalar da çocuklarını ödünç alıyorlar, emzirmek isteyenlerle dolular, bebekleri, geçimleri ve hayvanlarıyla dolu.Size verileni güzel bir şekilde teslim ettiğinizde Allah'tan korkun ve bilin ki Allah'ın gördüğünü bilin. (Bakara) ne yaparsan yap.: 231 - 233)

Soru: Allah'ın: "Eğer boşarsa, başka bir kocayla evlenmedikçe, ondan sonra ona helâl olmaz" demesinden sonra, Allah'ın sözlerini zikretmenin maksadı nedir? .? (İnek 230

Cevap : Cenâb-ı Hakk'ın şu buyruğundan maksat: Kadının üç boşanmadan sonra kocasına haram kılınmasından sonra, başka bir koca ona girip onu boşayıncaya ve yeni bir akitle ilk kocasına dönünceye kadar caiz değildir. ve çeyiz. Ve şu sözünden sonra: Karısının mutlak kusuru olan yasağın sebebine, onunla ilişki hakkını hor görmesine ve bir oyun oynanması imkânsız hale gelinceye kadar onu hor görmesine değindikten sonra. hızının rüzgarlarıyla, öfkesinin fırtınalarıyla ve akılsızlığıyla. Tanrı bilir.

Kadınlara iyilik

Sual: Yüce Allah şöyle buyurdu: Kadınları boşarsanız ve iddetlerini doldurmuşlarsa, onları iyilikle tutun veya iyilikle bırakın (Bakara: 231)Ve dedi ki: - Şükürler olsun O'nu: Eğer ecellerine ulaşırlarsa, onları ya güzellikle yakalayın ya da onları güzelce ayırın (

Talak Suresi, 2)O

halde neden (Bakara Suresi) ayetinde: Ya da bırakın gitsinler denildi? Ve ayette (boşanma) şöyle denildi: Yoksa onları mı ayırdı?

Cevap: Ayetin (Bakara) bağlamı, kadınlara zarar verilmemesi ve Allah'ın hududunu sabit kılmak için gerekli olmadıkça boşanmaları karşılığında mehirlerinin bir kısmının alınmasının yasaklanması üzerinde vurgu yapmaktadır. yağmaladıkları için onları suçlamak yok. . (inek: 229)Yani eşler, medeni haklarına riayet etmeyeceklerinden korktukları, sonra da tembelliklerini, yani kadının istediği kimse ile evlenmesini engellemedikçe, onlardan bir şey almaları caiz değildir. (Bakara) ayeti bağlamında eşlere zulmetmemeye ve yurda dönüş veya ayrılık durumlarında onlara iyi davranılmasına daha çok vurgu yapılmış ve bu husus bağlamında ona uygun görülmemiştir. ayrılığa, yani boşanmaya işaret eden kelimeyi (ayrılıyorlardı) açıkça söylemesi (ayrıldıkları için) Kelime sadakadan çok istismara daha yakın olduğu için deyimi iyileştirip ayrılığı ilan etmeyerek manaya götüren bir kelimeyle değiştirmiştir. Allah Teala: "Ya onları iyilikle yakala ya da iyilikle salıver" (Bakara Suresi, 231)'den önce Allah'ın: "Boşanma iki defadır, sonra iyilikle tut ya da onunla salıver" buyurdu. (Bakara: 230).) .
{Bakara Suresi'ndeki blogger terhisinin ayrılıktan sonra ayrılık olduğunu, yani ilk boşandığında ilk ayrılıktan sonra nihai ayrılık anlamına geldiğini ve bekleme süresinden sonra onu ayırdığını, Talak Suresi'nin ayrılmasının ise belgelemeden sonra ayrılık olduğunu söyledim. Evli bir çift olarak bekleme süresinde iken bekleme süresi sona erdiğinde, bu ayrılık belgelemeden sonra} Blogger'a dedim ya buradaki yorumcu farkı anlamadı.... Surenin ayetinin bağlamına gelince ( Al-Talak), kadınlara tavsiyede bulunmada, onlara iyi davranmada, onlara iyi davranmada, arkadaşlık ve boşanma hallerinde onlara iyi davranmada bu mübalağayı içermez.

Ve kocaları, onların şu soruya verdikleri cevaba daha layıktırlar

: Kur'an-ı Kerim neden boşanmış erkeklere (Baal) tabirini Yüce Allah'ın şu buyruğunda vermiştir: . Kocaları, barışmak isterlerse onları buna döndürmeye daha çok hak sahibidirler (Bakara Suresi, 228), halbuki Allah Teâlâ'nın ayetinde bu tabir kullanılmamış, daha ziyade (kocaları) boşanmışlar için kullanılmıştır.Kadınları boşarsanız ve iddet sürelerini doldurmuşlarsa, aralarında makul bir zeminde anlaşırlarsa (Bakara Suresi, 232) kocalarıyla evlenmelerine engel olmayın . Boşanma ve bekleme süresi içinde evliliğe geri dönmenin caizliği hakkında?
Cevap : Kur'an-ı Kerim'in dilinin "Baal" kelimesini kullandığından daha önce bahsetmiştik.Ve ( Ba'oula ) eşler arası nifak veya başka türlü evlilik hayatını rahatsız eden, bu hayatı tehdit eden şeyler bağlamında ve bu genel bir yaklaşımdır.Boşananların boşanmış kadınlarıyla evlenmedeki önceliğini olduğu gibi yargılar. boşanmış kadınlarıyla evlenme arzusunu dile getirenlerden daha iyidir.) bir anlamda, birinin diğerine tercihi ile iki tarafın katılımını gerektirir, bu nedenle ifade kurala dayanılarak geldi ve şöyle dedi: kocaları olmadan (kocaları)) .

İkinci ayete gelince , içindeki konuşma boşanmış kadınların işlerinin velilerine yöneliktir ve boşanmış ve boşanmış kadınlar yeniden evliliğe dönmek isterlerse, onların boşanmış kadınlarıyla evlenmelerini engellemelerini yasaklamaktadır. (kocaları) kocaları olmadan boşanırlar ve bu, nafaka yasağının konumu için daha uygundur..

Bu terimlerin her ikisini de daha olası kılan şey şudur:Birinci ayette rekabetin
varlığı ve ikinci ayette yokluğu.
* Şartın şartı kesmemek için tesis edildiği ifadesinden öğrenilen birinci ayetteki inceleme arzusunun zayıflığı, ikinci ayetteki inceleme arzusunun kuvveti ise (eğer) ifadesinden öğrenilmiştir. koşulun gerçekleştiğini doğrulamak için şart konmuştur ve kadınları boşarsanız ve sürelerine ulaşırlarsa, aralarında ünlü olurlarsa kocalarıyla evlenmelerine engel olmayın..

* Birincisi kas yasağından muaf, ikincisi ise onu içeriyor. Tanrı bilir.

Sual: Cenab-ı Hak, "Sizden Allah'a ve ahiret gününe iman edenlere bunu tebliğ ediyor" dedi.( Bakara Suresi, 232) "İşte bu, Allah'a ve ahiret gününe iman edene öğüt verilir" dedi.: 2) Bakara'da neden tekil deniyor? Ve boşanmada dedi ki: Kombinasyon bu mu?

Cevap: Sava (Bakara) ayeti, Yüce Allah'ın: "Sahip olduğunuzdan bir şey almanız size helâl değildir" buyruğunun işaret ettiği gibi, eşlere zulmedilmemesi ve zarar görmemesi gerektiğinin vurgulandığı bir bağlamda gelmiştir. (Bakara Suresi, 229) ve "Aşırı gitmek için onlara eziyet etmeyin" (Bakara Suresi, 231) demesidir.)Ve O'nun: "Allah'ın ayetlerini alaya almayın (Bakara 231) ve "Kadınları boşarsanız ve onlar iddetlerini tamamlamışlarsa, aralarında anlaşırlarsa, kocalarıyla evlenmelerine engel olmayın" buyruğunu almayın. nazik bir şekilde.( Bakara Suresi, 232) ve bu bağlam, bir dizi emir ve yasakları bir araya getirerek, eşlerin parası ve zarar için hırs ve hırs yapmaktan kaçınan kibirli az sayıdaki kişiyi ifade etmek için “tekil” ifadesini çağrıştırdı. mehirlerini alarak veya içlerinden birinin dilediği kimseyle evlenmesini engelleyerek..

Ayetin (boşanma) bağlamına gelince, daha az gergin, daha hafif ve daha sakin bir tondaydı, çünkü içindeki şey - sure - görevde daha kolay, talepte daha hafif ve açgözlülükten daha uzak çünkü Boşanma ile ilgili hükümler Çoğul olan ifadesi, herkese hitap edilen ve onları içeren ifadedir ve bu nedenle (Boşanma) ayetinde şöyle denilmiştir: İnanan ve Al-Tab kelimesi ile ifade edilmesini istemeyen. Çünkü aranızda bulunan id, Bakara Suresi'nin ayetinin aksine, (Boşanma) Suresi ayetinde kendini küçük düşürdüğü ve küçük düşürdüğü belirtilmemiştir. Yanıt verenlerin sayısı ve kadınların parasındaki münzevilerin kıtlığı, ki bu da tekil bir araç olarak ifade ediliyor. Tanrı bilir.

Emzirmenin Süresi

Soru: Bu konu neden Cenâb-ı Hakk'ın: Ve anneler çocuklarını iki tam yıl emzirirler şeklindeki haberden çıkmıştır? (Bakara: 233

Cevap : Emzirme dönemini tamamlamak isteyene iki tam yıl emzirme emri gerçekten cevaplanmış ve emzirme gerçekleşmiş gibi, buna uyma dürtüsünü abartmak. Tanrı bilir.

Soru: Cenâb-ı Hakk'ın: Ve anneler çocuklarını emzirirler âyetinde bilinmesine rağmen konu niçin açılmıştır? (Bakara: 233Cevap : Annelerin çocuklarını emzirme hakkına atıfta bulunulması

, anneliğin altında yatan acıma, merhamet, şefkat ve şefkat anlamlarını harekete geçirmesi, anneleri emzirmeye teşvik etme etkisinden de söz edilmiştir. Tanrı bilir.



معني الاحصاء والعد في سورة الطلاق//The meaning of statistics and counting


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The meaning of statistics and counting


The meaning of statistics and counting

Seventh : On the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, he said: The divorce of the Sunnah is to divorce her in every purity. If it is the last of that, then that is the waiting period that God Almighty commanded . On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating at the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Then if he wills, he withholds after, and if he wills, he divorces before he touches, and that is the waiting period for which God commanded that women be divorced. ]   
 Al-Daraqutni narrated it on the authority of Al-Amash on the authority of Abu Ishaq on the authority of Abu Al-Ahwas on the authority of Abdullah. Our scholars said: The divorce of the Sunnah does not combine seven conditions: namely, that he divorce her once, and she is one of those who menstruate, is pure, did not touch her during that purity, and did not precede it by divorce during menstruation, and did not divorce her in a purity to follow, and he was free of compensation. These seven conditions are from the hadith of Ibn Umar previously [No, rather, the authentic hadith of Ibn Umar 4954. We were told by Ismail bin Abdullah. Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating at the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. So Omar bin asked Al-Khattab, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, once said, “Let him take her back and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then purifies, and then if he wills, hold after and if he wills, divorce before he touches. This is the waiting period for which God commanded that women be divorced .” Any Muslim who has a bit of understanding will deviate from the text of the utterance. The word simply arranges the events of divorce as follows:   
 1. Ibn Umar divorced his wife,
2. She was menstruating during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace
3. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that
4. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, once said, “Let him go back to her and then hold her until she becomes pure, then she menstruates, then she becomes pure, then if he wants, he should hold her after and if he wants, he should be divorced before he touches.”
5. So he commanded him:
    a) by returning her while she is in this menstruation 1▓←
   b) Then he holds it i.e. does not take it out and does not separate from it 1▓ until she becomes pure , then   2 menstruates   , then 2 ▓ she becomes pure then if he wants hold after means after this purification (which indicates the presence of the time of 3the third menstruation ) and if he wants Release 3before it touches  (that is, at the time of the third purity):
6. That is the waiting period that God commanded that women be divorced for 
Summarizing the events of the tribal kit
1 menstruation (in which Ibn Umar was ordered to return his wife) 1. ▓ and he became pure /
Then 2.▓ menstruation and 2.▓ purification /
3. menstruation (if he wants, hold after and 3. divorce purifies (and if he wishes he divorced before he touches because touching and intercourse does not take place except during purification) that is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for and then he recited his saying come ( O Prophet, if you divorce women ) So they divorced them for their waiting period.)
The following are the next Lord words in the verses ( O Prophet) if you shut up the women, they brought them to their enemies . 1) If they are entitled to them, and they wish them well-known or familiar with the well, and I will see the certificate of God . And he is in terms of what is not concentrated and who trusts God is true that God is very important . His command is easy (4) That is the command of God He has revealed to you, and whoever fears God will atone for his sins (5) .
1. If you divorce women, then divorce them for their ‘iddah : I mean, if you want to divorce women, then the word you divorced women after the conditional clause, if after the past verb indicates the desire to initiate divorce and not the actual divorce, as God Almighty says ( O you who believe, when you stand up, then I will pray to you and ask you to The facilities are wiping up and your head and your arms to the cows / tableware, not concerned if you wash after prayer but is to embark on the establishment of prayer ) and saying Come on ( O ye who believe if you are working if you have to named Vakboh ) and the meaning if you want to take a religion, and I write and say May God’s peace and blessings be upon him (if you stand up for prayer)
1. If you stand up for prayer, put on your clothes (Mizan Al-Istiqlal 7351, Lisan 5/390, Tadhkirah 38, Uday 6/215)
2. And when you rise to prayer, straighten your rows (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah 1548 and Majma` 2/134) 3. And when you rise to prayer, grow taller (Kinz 22048)
4. And when you rise to prayer, straighten your rows (N. 3/42, Nasib 1/313 and Ibn Hibban 417).
5. In the words “If you stand up, you want to pray” (N. 3/59, Bayhaqi 2/372 and Al-Tabarani 5/28).
6. And if you get up for prayer, perform ablution (Tirmidhi 302, Al-Bayhaqi 2/380, Al-Tabarani 5/30, Nashb Al-Rayah 1/379, Al-Bukhari in his History 8/297, Ibn Abd Al-Bar in Al-Tamheed 7/85). A word that denotes qualifying for the action of the event and not doing it immediately
2 Thread Tools Posting Rules You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts On Smilies are On [IMG ] See me, but see the mountain, I stabilize his place .And when Moses has taken anger to take the panels and in their copy and mercy and mercy of those who have mercy on their Lord . You are our guardian and you will, so forgive us and have mercy on us, and you are the best of those who forgive (155) / Al-A’raf .
(10) Al-Badiyah , towards: {Establish a prayer for the Delight of the Sun} (verse “78” from Surat Al-Isra “17”), meaning after it.

Sections L
Dictionary of Arabic Grammar
Author: Abdul Ghani bin Ali Al-Daqer (died: 1423 AH)
 (= The sliding mother).
Lam the dimension : is added before the kaf in the denoting noun. “Lam” is the lam of the dimension, an exaggeration to denote the dimension. It does not append from the demonstrative nouns: Al-Muthanna, nor “those” for the plural, in the language of Madd (As for those who shortened the plural form, he said “Awla” instead of “Awla” and they are Qais, Rabi’a and Asad, they come with the lam, their poet said: “
Awlā’ and ʿAlāk”… The misguided admonishes only those who are the first, for the plural tool at the beginning and end of the verse is “first.” And he inserted into it the lam of distance, kaf al-khattab, and the meaning of the word: the mixture of people and its plural are Ash’ib and Banu Tamim – and they are among those who fall short – they do not come with pain at all), nor in what preceded it, and the origin of it is “attention” The stillness is as in “that” and broken in “that” to meet the dwellers.
Lam Ta’jab : It is the non-neighboring exclamation lam towards: “Lazarf Nu’iman” and “Karmam Hatim”, meaning what is nicer, and what honors him.
Lam Ta’il : It is for answering and blaming ingratitude for the negation, and the present tense “that” is indicative as a passivity after the Lam of Ta’il, and the meaning of the permissible is correct to show “that” and its implied after this accusative, she says: “I hate it” and I hate you And indulgence in the interpretation of the source in the place of drag Blam reasoning.
Al- Lam Al-Jarah : It draws the apparent and the implied, and it is broken with every outward appearance, except with the direct plea for "ya" towards "Ya Allah" and as for the pronoun it is for the predicate, and if it is for the pronoun, it is for the pronoun with the pronoun. This lam has about thirty meanings (and whoever wants to investigate it should refer to the book “Al-Jana al-Dani” in which there are thirty meanings, and in “Mughni al-Labib” twenty) and here are some of them:
(1) the king, like: {To God is all that is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth” (verse 284) From Surat Al-Baqarah (2).
(2) The likeness of the king, and it is specifically expressed as: “the saddle for the horse” and “what Muhammad loved for Bakr.”
(3) Explanation, towards:
I would not give you a tremor...

And you reigned between Iraq and Yathrib... as a rented property for a Muslim, and institutes
(5) Strengthening the worker who has been weakened, either by being a branch in the work towards: {attesting to what Ya`a`id al-Baqarah 2:41) Verse 16 of Surat Al-Buruj 85).
Or by delaying the worker from what is done, such as: {If you express a vision} (verse 43 of Surat Yusuf 12).
(6) Because the goal ends with: {Everything runs for an appointed term} (verse "2" of Surat Al-Ra'd "13").
(7) The oath, towards “God does not delay the term” i.e. God. And this is little.
(8) The exclamation , towards “to God you are” and “to God you are.”
(9) the becoming

, Towards: {Establish a prayer for the Delight of the Sun} (verse “78” of Surat Al-Isra “17”), meaning after it.
(11) Meaning in a manner: {They fall down to their beards} (verse “107” of Surat Al-Isra “17”), meaning on them.
Lam Al-Juhud : Sibawayh calls it Laam Al-Nafi, and it was called Laam Al-Nafi because it is specific to it. No” and “that” the negative) has the meaning of the past in the verbal, and it is a negation as you say: He would have done, so you say: He would not have done.
Likewise: “And God would not have forgiven them while you were among them” (verse 33 of Surat Al-Anfal 8) or a meaning similar to: “God would not have forgiven them” (verse 1374).
And the pronoun in the accusative of ingratitude is not permissible to reveal.
Lam The answer : and it is three: the answer “if” towards: {If they had been removed, we would have tormented those who disbelieved} (verse “25” of Surat Al-Fath “48”) and the answer “if not” towards: {And had it not been for some of it, the people would have been pushed by the people. 251 from Surat Al-Baqarah (2). And the answer to the oath is about: {By God, God has preferred you over us} (verse “91” from Surat Yusuf “12”).
Excessive : It is an emphasis towards the saying of the Chief:
Umm al-Hilais to be smuggled ... The meat is satisfied with the dome of the dome
(the bug: the big old) and in the news "but" as saying the poet:
Ylomoni in love Laila Alaai ... But I love her to Dean and
Dakh The news of “that” is open as the reading of Saeed bin Jubayr: {except that they eat food} (verse “20” of Surat Al-Furqan “25.” And the famous reading: “except they”).
Al-Walam Al-Hatar : It is obliged to "be diluted by heavy if it is neglected, and then," he said, "It is a difference between them" ) .
Lambearly : It is the beginning after "The" broken ", named and marked because they are slipped for the sentence of the sentence of the beginning of speech and have four positions:
(1) News" in three conditions:
Being recently, stabilizers, not to: " To hear the supplication” (verse “39” of Surat Ibrahim “14”), “and you know what we want” (verse “79” of Surat Hud “11”). {And you are of a great character} (verse 4 of Surat Al-Qalam 68). If the past is paired with “may”, it is permissible to enter the non-believer, towards “the absent has come”.
And some of them (Al-Akhfash and Al-Far’, followed by Ibn Malik) permitted their entry on the past solid state because of its resemblance to the name, towards “Ibrahim is a good man.”
(2) The news is established, and that is also subject to three conditions: it precedes the news, it is not true, and the news is valid for the pilgrim like “Zayd will eat your food.”
(3) The noun “in” if it is delayed: on the news, like: “There is a lesson in that” (verse “13” of Surat Al-Imran “3”) or on the established news if it is an adverb, like “Indeed with you is an immortal, permanent, permanent, and omnipotent.” Towards: "In the house there is a sitting Zaid."
(4) The pronoun of the chapter without a condition like: {This is the true story} (verse 62 of Surat Al Imran (3)).
And this lam is judged by an increase in other than these places.
Al-Laam Al-Muwatta’ for the oath: It is included in the predicate clause “if” mostly, (and other conditional clauses may include a reading other than Hamzah {What I have brought to you of a book and wisdom) and the poet’s saying:
When did you become righteous, that you will recompense if you will recompense two righteous deeds for you? , indicating that the answer after it is based on an oath before it, not on the condition, such as: {If they are expelled, they will not go out with them, and if they are killed, they will not be helped}” (An-An-Hashriyah 12). Then, if the oath is mentioned, the blame is not required, such as “By God, if you honor me, I will honor you.” Although the department is often deleted, and the section is often deleted and the section is deleted towards: {If they do not finish what they say to Limsen} (verse "73" from the tableware "5").
Late: a speech of the composite of the explanation and "that" names "No" is not "not". )  
It may not be : It may come from the excluded participles, if it has its meaning, and the exception in it is the obligatory accusative, because it told it, and its noun is hidden and goes back to the predicate participle noun. Someone who was not Zayd came to me.” It was as if when he said: “He came to me.” The addressee had a dream that some of those who came were Zaid, so he excluded him from those who did not come.
and left showing some dispensation. It is noted in the exception that “not be” is not used with other than “no” from the negative, and the phrase “not be” is in an accusative position in the case of the exception from it, and it can be suffixed in an accusative.
And with Hebron - as Sibawayh says - it may "not be".
Sibawayh says: It indicates that it is an adjective that some of them say: “A woman who is not so-and-so comes to me.”
If they did not make it an attribute, they would not feminize it.
LPIC : From the core of the place of Laba, and Alba: he has been with him and to him.
And his express: The monument on the source as your king: "Praise be to God and thank you for the addendum in the most."
If you call me and Donnie
, " The well, Al-Bayun: wide, and in the house he turned from the speech to the backbiting in his saying: to him after saying: You are).
I said "Labih" to those who call upon me.
As noted to add it to the apparent in the saying of my parents from Bani Asad:
I called - Why Nephni - Massuri ... Flapi Flapi my hand
is offset (Nebni: I strictly: Labek is the act of a past (Philippi my hand is not answered) Any answer after an answer if I ask me In a matter that he should be compensated for, the penalty for his fine is the blood money that I owed.
Al- Latān : A noun connected to the Deuteronomy “that” with the nominative vowel, and “the two” with the open yaa before it, both in the accusative and accusative form.
The restriction and measurement of the universal stresses for compensation, or to confirm a difference between him and the breed in the threshold, and does not abide by the lifting situation
. It was said that they had a deep pride
Which : The name is unplugged, for the individual is a mug was about: {God heard the saying that you managed in her husband. 142 from Surat Al-Baqarah (2).
3 And count the count, and the word count is to reach the end of the counted, or count, it is to continue counting without a written end, or it is to continue counting without reaching the end of the counted. Here are the following verses:
In the noble verse (He has enumerated them, He has counted them), so the census is to reach the end of the counted.
Almighty God says:
(Indeed, everyone in the heavens and the earth is a slave to the Most Merciful.
So that he may know that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord and have encompassed what they have, and have enumerated everything (Al-Idda al-Idda: 28 )  .
The difference between the word (counting) (statistic) is: census is reaching the end of the counted
There are verses in which only the word (statistics) is mentioned.. and the word (counting) is absent in them. What is the significance of that absence? Why is it not suitable (his presence)??
We mention in particular the verses :
(Indeed, We bring the dead to life and write down what they presented and their traces. And everything we counted in Imams: 12)
(And everything We have enumerated in a book) (An-Naba:29)
(On the Day God will raise them all together, He will inform them of what they have done)
Then We sent them so that we might know which of the two parties counted, when they had stayed a while.” (Al-Kahf: 18 )
Then in second place the following verses :
(Oh, the Prophet if you shut up the women, they are shutted with their enemies and grabbed the kit and fear God, your Lord, do not leave them from their homes and do not go away. Divorce: 1)
Then in second place the following verses :
(Oh, the Prophet if you shut up the women, they are shutted with their enemies and grabbed the kit and fear God, your Lord, do not leave them from their homes and do not go away. Divorce: 1)
. _ _ _ And others are fighting for the sake of Allaah  
(And He has given you from everything you asked of Him, and if you count the favors of God, you will not be able to count them. Indeed, man is unjust to Abraham) (34)
Counting is reaching the end of the counted, and counting is the sequence of counting without reaching the end of the counted
Thus, the word “count the waiting period” is a mandate from the One God to reach the end of the waiting period so that the one who wants to divorce can divorce his wife, and without reaching the end of the waiting period, the divorce is not complete and it is not
3.▓ And the Almighty’s saying: “ Do not drive them out of their homes, and do not go out unless they commit a clear indecency .”
Forbidding the woman to leave or leave her home here indicates the absence of the prohibition and the absence of divorce.. That is because God Almighty has forbidden the man’s seclusion with a non-mahram woman, and as long as he has forbidden the woman’s going out or taking her out, she is still his wife. The husband is in the process of initiating a divorce by means of the iddat and counting. He must resist his instincts if he is in need of divorce. He must not have intercourse with his wife during the waiting period. He destroys it and from here God Almighty said (You do not know, perhaps God will happen after that a matter) As for the order to go out as the only exception if they come with a clear indecency and this matter is equal to all women who are warned of divorce or settled inside her house without warning of divorce because the apparent immorality removes all women from the homes
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5. If they reach their term, then seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness.

  And testify to those of you who are just, and establish testimony to God

 That's the one who believes in God and the other day and the other day.

  And me is equipped with your noodles.


What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce? //ما هي تفصيلات مراحل الطلاق ؟

  What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce? ➌ Blog1. Tuesday, September 7, 2021 ...