الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2022

What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce? //ما هي تفصيلات مراحل الطلاق ؟

What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce?

➌ Blog1.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
3. The sixth part of the question and answer in the provisions of divorce according to Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH.
The sixth part of the question and answer in the provisions of divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
6. Part VI of Question and Answer on Divorce 150.
Q/ What is the difference between the divorce of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
C/ The divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah was a divorce followed by a period of Istibra and then a layoff, so God Almighty changed it in Surat Al-Talaq to a number of enumeration, then constipation or divorce, then testimony
Q/ I noticed that in the law of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah its path is in the order it is pronounced with divorce, then Idda Al-Taalaq, then discharge, and differed in Surat Al-Talaq to be in the order of statistical counting, then holding or divorce, then witnessing
Surat Al-Baqarah, pronounced with divorce, then several istibra, then letting go of Surat Al-Talaq several counts,
then holding or divorce Then the testimony of
Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH abrogated from it most of the provisions of divorce and the abrogated from it is
Q / What are the details of the provisions of several statistics to reach the term of constipation or divorce
c /. And the waw here is waw of sympathy, and it must be sympathetic to it at the beginning of detailing the rulings of several women, and I say the blogger: It sympathizes with what will be mentioned of the number of women on a previous detail whose existence has been extended from Surat Al-Baqarah to Surat Al-Talaq. ----) It is the number of widows of the Qur’an (which are three recitations as mentioned by the verse of the kit for the one who is incubating in Surat Al-Baqarah (1 and 2 AH).))
2. Which is equipped from the tenderness of your women
That is
the command of God that He sent down to you. I said the blogger. I say to everyone who turns away from following the legislation that came in Surat Al-Talaq, abrogating what was previously revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah, except for what God Almighty kept and did not replace it with copies and erased like the three readings and some of what we will mention here without copies of the extended rulings Al-Baqara to Surat Al-Talaq, I say to them, You will not be taken into consideration. God Almighty has commanded you to fear Him, by applying His rulings that He revealed in Surat Al-Talaq. The Almighty said: And whoever fears God, He will expiate for him his sins and increase his reward (5).)
Ishnhhen in terms of scening from finding you
and no exchangers to be narrowed, and
if they are pregnant
.The divorced husband and the wife who divorced at the end of the waiting period (after giving birth to a miscarriage or giving birth)(
C) Appearance of breastfeeding and breastfields as women have become absolute after their pregnancy and their divorce, and the spending on the child and the nursery of his mother, which is absent from God, as mentioned here in the following verses: - I will return to you have another(6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and from his capacity, and he will give him
. And Surah Divorce
1. The waiting period standing between the husband and the divorce of his wife,
2. After it was only for istibra, it became after amending the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was established in the form ofThe
waiting period first, then withholding or the divorce.
The man becomes unable to divorce until he goes with his wife in her house, which is his home, a waiting period of three readings (pure), in which he refrains from having intercourse with her until he fulfills the condition of divorce. If he is unable to avoid intercourse with his wife during her, he must He wanted to resume the divorce procedures to count the days from the beginning again, because by having intercourse with her even once during the waiting period (the census), he destroyed the procedures for reaching their end, and he must count again. Thus, it becomes clear to the reader the great wisdom of the law of presenting the census and reliance on divorce, and in that a sense For the wisdom of saying come( O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they are shutted with their enemies and gave the kitten and fear God, your Lord, do not leave them from your peoples and do not go away, but they will come with a disturbing and those of God and whoever limits God and the limits of God.),
7) ^Among the differences that distinguished after God Almighty changed the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and based on the inevitability of bringing the waiting period to being able to sign the divorce, is that the woman has not lost even a day in the law of God from the days of her life, she used to count the days of the rule of divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah three readings In order to relieve her mercy in the house of her family (the house...her father), stalking her by herself, these three readings were a real loss from the days of her life, and there was no way for her to be separated from her, because she had a womb that might involve a pregnancy after her divorce, so these readings were imposed on her by herself, and then she must announce that she had left the waiting period of Istibra. But God Almighty, with His great justice and greatness, has willed not to waste a day on the woman in the new divorce legislation that was revealed in Surat Al-Talaq when the time for the waiting period was introduced in the woman’s life. The husband can take the initiative to divorce and be able to break and untie the marital bond, here and here only he can divorce his wife, and here and here only he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to it, and here and only here the wife can be ready to receive a new husband’s life from the day of her separation And leaving her divorced husband's houseHe divorces his wife, and here and only here he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and only here can the wife be ready to receive a new husband's life from the day of her separation and leaving her divorced husband's house for herHe divorces his wife, and here and only here he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and only here can the wife be ready to receive a new husband's life from the day of her separation and leaving her divorced husband's house for her.
8)^ It is the wisdom that is felt after changing the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) and postponing the divorce until after the waiting period has passed.If the husband has the opportunity to be alone and review his decision and live with the influences surrounding himself, his wife, his house and his children day after day, week after week, month after month, until he reaches the end of the first month, then the second, then the third. The seriousness of the specter of separation, and they have features that they go to each other in a married life. The husband may not be able to bear the patience to imagine that his wife will fall into the bed of another husband, and the love that has developed between them will change to another man, and more than this, to see the rebellious husband in the moment of his desire In divorce, I say, he sees his children separated from him, and his perception is embodied in the lives of his children, for the pleasures of his liver, the light of his eyes, and the fullness of his conscience are far from him, leaving them to be lost.If the husband insists and resolves to divorce after the end of the waiting period, God Almighty has excused him for the waiting period, so he should only blame himself if he was poorly judged, or let him rest if he was wronged in this married life that he ended.. He injured himself, I do not know that God does not happen after that. does not count, and whoever puts his trust in God, it is sufficient for him that God is the ultimateAllah has made a decree for everything (3)/Surat Al-TalaqQ /
I divorced my wife while she was pregnant in the eighth month, and I heard that this is an innovated divorce, because the pregnant woman is pure and I had intercourse with her before that, and this is considered sexual intercourse in a state of purity during which I divorced her. Fall, or fall?
C / I say to this one who divorced his wife in the eighth month while she was pregnant, he did not break your utterance of the marriage contract, even if you gathered the land together, to help you in splitting it, because God Almighty has prevented you from uttering the truth and guarded it in the process of the waiting period. The effect of divorce and separation is the reaching of the term, the completion of the waiting period, and the end of the waiting period [whether the woman is a woman with infertility, the end of her waiting period is the end of the third purity and after it, to which the uttering of divorce or of the one who does not menstruate, so the timing of her divorce is after the end of the third lunar month or from the first pregnancy Divide them after the end of pregnancy and put it in place of pregnancy.God makes a way out for himReaching the
term is the one for which the rule of counting the waiting period has been legislated, and it is the time for the end of the waiting period, and it is the time for activating the pronunciation and the active possession of the word divorce, in order to cause separation and complete the testimony. Likewise, God, Most High, said: “And when their term has come, then seize them with kindness, or separate them from them with kindness.”{ 🔔 🔔 So constipation is related to one condition, which is that the aggressors reach the end of the waiting period and after it ↞ 🔔 Divorce is related to two conditions: 1. The husband’s reluctance to hold his wife 2. Reaching the end of the census period, and after that the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, separated this in the hadith of the Golden Chain through Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, and its wording in Sahih Al-Bukhari and approved by Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj detailed and clarified it as the verses of Surat Al-Talaq came to him from the details of its rulings and the details of its rulings we mentioned, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he concluded his narration with the saying of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, [This is the kit that God commanded to divorce women for.

] Which overthrows the opinions of all those who say [It is divorced to purify it] Rather, God Almighty and His Messenger said [Then they divorced them for their waiting period] and I ask the blogger where and when God Almighty said, So they divorced them to purify them???????!!!!! And he is the one who said and his Messenger [so they divorced them for their waiting period] as follows
Q/ What are the evidences that the lam in the meaning of after in the first verse of Surat Al-Talaq
C/ God Almighty said in Surat Al-Talaq, verse No. 1
{ O Prophet, if you divorce the women, then divorce them, and divorce them, divorce them. They graduated from their bayten and do not heal only that they come with a rainy and those of the limits of God and those who mean the limits of God. The same unknowingly(1) If they are in their term, and they wish them well, and they are known to know and I will see the certificate of God.(2) And He provides for him in terms of what he does not expect. And whoever relies on God, it is according to him that God is in control of his omnipotence.(3) Anti is equipped with your noodles.(4) . have another(6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and it is estimated for him.(7)}/ Surat Al-Talaq
Q/ What are the probabilities of the significance of the laam at the beginning of Surat al-Talaq 5 AH
in the pronunciation of their ‘iddah
c/. The laam here cannot be more than two possibilities.The first possibility is :
that the lam was for the start of the juvenile divorce and then the woman’s waiting period, i.e. before
the second possibility is: that the lam was here to indicate the end of the event and activate the costs entrusted to her after the end of the divorce event, meaning after
............ ............
Q / O / The divine meaning, which is arguably assumed to be: In the sense: before, it is an impossible assumption in the right of God Almighty for the following:
a) Because the repetition of the provisions in themselves is forbidden in the Book of God Almighty, because it necessitates that the Book was revealed with the truth, and the guarantee that it was revealed with the truth is a barrier between that and its occurrence. 🢃 b ) . _ _ with kindness and for men a degree over them, and God is Mighty, Wise

(228) Divorce twice, constipation of the well-known or demobilized, and does not solve you to take nothing but afraid not to establish the limits of God.(229) .{ In it, God Almighty has permitted the beginning of divorce before the waiting period for the one who divorced his wife or whoever resolved to divorce and
uttered it.
Unless the divine meaning of Lam is in the word
( for their ‘iddah ).) ☜ ☜ What is meant by the meaning of after, Q / Tell me briefly what is the meaning of pain in the first verse of Surat Al-Talaq C / In very briefly, the lam in the first verse added to their kit denotes the sign of the “after” with certainty that is neither doubtful nor possible, meaning if you want to divorce The women divorced them after their ‘iddah, so the subsequent assignment for this came, all of which proves that the lam here has a meaning after. So Al-Bari mentioned the performers of the dimension in the event of divorce in the legislation of the status of divorce, which was revealed in the fifth or sixth Hijri year . Between them, which confirms that they are still a couple

The third performer ,
the prohibition against her leaving the house (permissibility of seclusion between them, which confirms that they are still married))
The fourth leader is to commend the suspension of all the provisions of the division and mentioning them by achieving the term in the saying.(2) /Divorce) We will continue after him, God willing.
Why haste and haste, and God Almighty has removed all of you from this intransigence with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH
Q/ Why haste and haste, and God Almighty has removed you all from this intransigence with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq
/C / O Muslims
🢃🢠O Muslims Wake up and return to the book of your Lord and do not take you in the truth to blame theblamersO scholars and jurists fear your Lord and do not use people’s trust in you with their misguidance, their carelessness and hardship on themOscholars for one of you to bridle himself with silence, piety and fear of the mighty is better than to stick himself in competing in wasting this Families and scattering their members from children, women, old men, young men, and boys from girls out of ignorance, foolishness, outward love and keenness on the saying of a scholar, jurist or

🢠🢠 All of you, fear God and return to Him, and know that God Almighty sent down the last provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Rahma and lightening the people for people Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH
, which contains:
1. Husbands and wives, their homes, their children, and all their affairs are protected from the recklessness of men and their destructive fanaticism
. 2. They are deprived of activating divorce, no matter what they utter . )
3. He examined his servants in the wisest of his revelations, and preserved them until the Day of Resurrection, by preventing a man from having a period of time equal to 🢠🢠🢠 1. Three readings for women who menstruate 2. And three lunar months for those who do not menstruate , such as the large woman whose menstruation has ceased , and the small woman who does not menstruate. 🢠 And the breastfeeding woman whose menstruation was interrupted by the action of the hormone lactin and the secreted prolactin during the breastfeeding period 3. Then the pregnant woman, whom God Almighty named, divided them into the first pregnancies , so it was forbidden for all of them to divorce their wives unless they reach the waiting period at the end of the term of each section and unless they reach the end of their waiting period There is neither divorce nor separation, no matter how heavy others are gathered

Q / / What are the reasons for the difference between the jurists in the rulings on divorce,
divorce for the number of Sharia abrogating it in exchange for what was before it of the provisions of divorce I said the blogger: that a great and fierce disagreement has occurred between all the jurists, and between all the schools in the issue of divorce, and two doctrines did not agree on anything from The elements of this subject, and the beholder in the mothers of the books of jurisprudence and interpretation will see the amazement of the aspects, ideas, doctrines and trends in the issue of divorce, even Al-Qurtubi said commenting after mentioning the verse of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq. From them, until the doctrinal differences rose from 14 doctrinal differences to more than one hundred and twenty differences or more. Perhaps the only motive for these differences is due to two reasons.:
the first reason:
It is not aware of the words of God. (),
And saying: (What is reproduced from verse or forgotten I have died okay or like it knows that God is on everything Qidier (106)).
_(106) Say.),
^And the verses in this regard are many, and there is no arguing about the proof of abrogation in all its forms, from erasure to substitution, except for the passages of Afak that invalidate them. Divorce (the fifth year of the Hijri), and if people knew that God Almighty only revealed it (i.e. the Qur’an) with truth and balance, and that God Almighty did not tamper and it would be impossible for Him to tamper with Him when He revealed the rulings again after they were previously revealed(2 AH).Until he revealed it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), and all people had to be sure that God Almighty had decreed and did not tamper. By replacing it (in 5 AH), and also for Muslims to submit to the rule of God and His Messenger when He sent down the provisions previously revealed in divorce that were in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) to replace it with another in Surah At-Talaq (5 AH), that is, from the surah that was divorce and then several to the changed form into several then divorce,
Q: What is the second reason?
A / The second reason is: the difference of transmitters of the hadith of Ibn Umar in the story of his divorce of his wife while she was menstruating during the era of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, even if they knew that God, the Lord of the worlds is one, and that Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one, and that the incident of Ibn Umar’s divorce is one and that the station The divine legislation in its incident and God’s assignment to His Messenger in the matter of divorce is one, and the station in it is one. They all know that the right in it is not multiple and that God’s intention in it is one that does not bear the differences of its transmitters, and it is not acceptable to accept only one intention in it is the legislation of the one right
Q / What do you mean By your saying that the truth is from the closest path in the incident of Abdullah Ibn Umar is what Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar that he narrates on the authority of his father Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (with his textC
/ I mean what Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar with a chain of transmission traceable to him
Q/ Did Bukhari and Muslim agree on that hadith in its text? What are the evidences for documenting the hadith of Al-Bukhari and Muslim through Malik?
A / Yes, it was agreed upon by the two sheikhs Al-Bukhari and Muslim,
b- Also because it is through the golden chain that Al-Bukhari established in his commentary on the most authentic chains of transmission on the authority of Ibn Omar, and since Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar is the most correct chain of transmission on the authority of Ibn Omar, we have the right to describe it With the following description:
1. It is the narration Al-Omdah (I mean the narration of the hadiths of divorce on the authority of Ibn Umar)
2.It is the criterion for knowing the extent of the deviations of the narrators of this story in the other narrations about the limit of rightness, the type of deviation from the text, the number of the deviations from the text (I mean the reasons for the text), and the rulings that fell from the sequence of the event in each of them transmitted by the textual impairment, and their number and quality, and it is worth mentioning here that they are separated The provisions of divorce after changing its provisions that were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), to those new provisions that God Almighty replaced in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH). God to divorce her women, then he recited the Almighty’s saying:O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they bruted them for their enemies and gave birth to the kitten and fear God your Lord, do not leave them from my peoples and do not go away, but they come with a fragrant shown and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God and the limits of God.)]]Q :
When were the divorce rulings issued?
A / The provisions of divorce were revealed in the Noble Qur’an after the lapse of (13 years), from the beginning of the mission, and some of the previous customs before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were still expanding in the heart of the Muslim community, including all the customs of divorce that existed before this period, and many of the customs Such as the habit of adoption, the habit of playing gambling, drinking wine, monuments and arrows, breastfeeding an adult, grooming, mixing, wrong circumambulation around the Kaaba, pilgrimage without running between Safa and Marwa, and the habit of heading towards the qiblah of Jerusalem, and many other things.{
Q/ Why did God not want to bring down copies of these provisions in the beginning of civil legislation ?
C/1. God Almighty did not want to bring down any copies or modifications of what was before the Muslims were able to establish their state in Medina after the lapse of the 13 Meccan years,
2 Even if the Muslims were able to establish their state, revelation began to follow the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with revelation,
3. The first to come down from the Qur’anic surahs containing the details of the legal rulings,
4. Among the rulings that the Qur’an has given great attention to are the rulings on divorce,
5. The one who follows the path of revelation Rulings on divorce in the course of all civil legislation, you will find that these rulings were revealed in three great surahs::
a/ ( Surat Al-Baqarah
b/, Surat Al-Ahzab
c/, and Surat Al-Talaq)
Q/ What did their implications revolve C/ Its implications revolved
around two axes that have no third?
Q / What is the first axis C
/ the first axis:
1. Downloading divorce provisions in the form of a rule or basis, isDivorce first (
and then) the waiting period, then dismissal without testimony
, which is based on what was the application of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
6. Part VI of the question and answer on divorce 150.
C 6.
Q/ What is the difference between the divorce of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
C/ The divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah was a divorce followed by a period of Istibra and then a release, so God Almighty changed it in Surat Al-Talaq to several counts, then withholding or divorce, then testimony
Q/ I noticed that in the law of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah its path is in the order it is pronounced with divorce, then Idda Al-Taalaq, then discharge, and differed in Surat Al-Talaq to be in the order of statistical counting, then holding or divorce, then witnessing
Surat Al-Baqarah, pronounced with divorce, then several istibra, then letting go of Surat Al-Talaq several counts,
then holding or divorce Then the testimony of
Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH abrogated from it most of the provisions of divorce and the abrogated from it is
Q / What are the details of the provisions of several statistics to reach the term of constipation or divorce
c /. And the waw here is waw of sympathy, and it must be sympathetic to it at the beginning of detailing the rulings of several women, and I say the blogger: It sympathizes with what will be mentioned of the number of women on a previous detail whose existence has been extended from Surat Al-Baqarah to Surat Al-Talaq. ----) It is the number of widows of the Qur’an (which are three recitations as mentioned by the verse of the kit for the one who is incubating in Surat Al-Baqarah (1 and 2 AH).))
2. Which is equipped from the tenderness of your women
That is
the command of God that He sent down to you. I said the blogger. I say to everyone who turns away from following the legislation that came in Surat Al-Talaq, abrogating what was previously revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah, except for what God Almighty kept and did not replace it with copies and erased like the three readings and some of what we will mention here without copies of the extended rulings Al-Baqara to Surat Al-Talaq, I say to them, You will not be taken into consideration. God Almighty has commanded you to fear Him, by applying His rulings that He revealed in Surat Al-Talaq. The Almighty said: And whoever fears God, He will expiate for him his sins and increase his reward (5).)
Ishnhhen in terms of scening from finding you
and no exchangers to be narrowed, and
if they are pregnant
.The divorced husband and the wife who divorced at the end of the waiting period (after giving birth to a miscarriage or giving birth)(
C) Appearance of breastfeeding and breastfields as women have become absolute after their pregnancy and their divorce, and the spending on the child and the nursery of his mother, which is absent from God, as mentioned here in the following verses: - I will return to you have another(6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and from his capacity, and he will give him
. And Surah Divorce
1. The waiting period standing between the husband and the divorce of his wife,
2. After it was only for istibra, it became after amending the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was established in the form ofThe
waiting period first, then withholding or the divorce.
The man becomes unable to divorce until he goes with his wife in her house, which is his home, a waiting period of three readings (pure), in which he refrains from having intercourse with her until he fulfills the condition of divorce. If he is unable to avoid intercourse with his wife during her, he must He wanted to resume the divorce procedures to count the days from the beginning again, because by having intercourse with her even once during the waiting period (the census), he destroyed the procedures for reaching their end, and he must count again. Thus, it becomes clear to the reader the great wisdom of the law of presenting the census and reliance on divorce, and in that a sense For the wisdom of saying come( O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they are shutted with their enemies and gave the kitten and fear God, your Lord, do not leave them from your peoples and do not go away, but they will come with a disturbing and those of God and whoever limits God and the limits of God.),
7) ^Among the differences that distinguished after God Almighty changed the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and based on the inevitability of bringing the waiting period to being able to sign the divorce, is that the woman has not lost even a day in the law of God from the days of her life, she used to count the days of the rule of divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah three readings In order to relieve her mercy in the house of her family (the house...her father), stalking her by herself, these three readings were a real loss from the days of her life, and there was no way for her to be separated from her, because she had a womb that might involve a pregnancy after her divorce, so these readings were imposed on her by herself, and then she must announce that she had left the waiting period of Istibra. But God Almighty, with His great justice and greatness, has willed not to waste a day on the woman in the new divorce legislation that was revealed in Surat Al-Talaq when the time for the waiting period was introduced in the woman’s life. The husband can take the initiative to divorce and be able to break and untie the marital bond, here and here only he can divorce his wife, and here and here only he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to it, and here and only here the wife can be ready to receive a new husband’s life from the day of her separation And leaving her divorced husband's houseHe divorces his wife, and here and only here he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and only here can the wife be ready to receive a new husband's life from the day of her separation and leaving her divorced husband's house for herHe divorces his wife, and here and only here he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and only here can the wife be ready to receive a new husband's life from the day of her separation and leaving her divorced husband's house for her.
8)^ It is the wisdom that is felt after changing the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) and postponing the divorce until after the waiting period has passed.If the husband has the opportunity to be alone and review his decision and live with the influences surrounding himself, his wife, his house and his children day after day, week after week, month after month, until he reaches the end of the first month, then the second, then the third. The seriousness of the specter of separation, and they have features that they go to each other in a married life. The husband may not be able to bear the patience to imagine that his wife will fall into the bed of another husband, and the love that has developed between them will change to another man, and more than this, to see the rebellious husband in the moment of his desire In divorce, I say, he sees his children separated from him, and his perception is embodied in the lives of his children, for the pleasures of his liver, the light of his eyes, and the fullness of his conscience are far from him, leaving them to be lost.If the husband insists and resolves to divorce after the end of the waiting period, God Almighty has excused him for the waiting period, so he should only blame himself if he was poorly judged, or let him rest if he was wronged in this married life that he ended.. He injured himself, I do not know that God does not happen after that. does not count, and whoever puts his trust in God, it is sufficient for him that God is the ultimateAllah has made a decree for everything (3)/Surat Al-TalaqQ /
I divorced my wife while she was pregnant in the eighth month, and I heard that this is an innovated divorce, because the pregnant woman is pure and I had intercourse with her before that, and this is considered sexual intercourse in a state of purity during which I divorced her. Fall, or fall?
C / I say to this one who divorced his wife in the eighth month while she was pregnant, he did not break your utterance of the marriage contract, even if you gathered the land together, to help you in splitting it, because God Almighty has prevented you from uttering the truth and guarded it in the process of the waiting period. The effect of divorce and separation is the reaching of the term, the completion of the waiting period, and the end of the waiting period [whether the woman is a woman with infertility, the end of her waiting period is the end of the third purity and after it, to which the uttering of divorce or of the one who does not menstruate, so the timing of her divorce is after the end of the third lunar month or from the first pregnancy Their divorce after the end of pregnancy and put it in place of pregnancy (if they are in terms of their purpose, and they are known for them with the well-known or destined by you and I will see the certificate of God. "make a way out for himReaching the
term is the one for which the rule of counting the waiting period has been legislated, and it is the time for the end of the waiting period, and it is the time for activating the pronunciation and the active possession of the word divorce, in order to cause separation and complete the testimony. Likewise, God, Most High, said: “And when their term has come, then seize them with kindness, or separate them from them with kindness.”{ 🔔 🔔 So constipation is related to one condition, which is that the aggressors reach the end of the waiting period and after it ↞ 🔔 Divorce is related to two conditions: 1. The husband’s reluctance to hold his wife 2. Reaching the end of the census period, and after that the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, separated this in the hadith of the Golden Chain through Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, and its wording in Sahih Al-Bukhari and approved by Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj detailed and clarified it as the verses of Surat Al-Talaq came to him from the details of its rulings and the details of its rulings we mentioned, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he concluded his narration with the saying of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, [This is the kit that God commanded to divorce women for.

] Which overthrows the opinions of all those who say [It is divorced to purify it] Rather, God Almighty and His Messenger said [Then they divorced them for their waiting period] and I ask the blogger where and when God Almighty said, So they divorced them to purify them???????!!!!! And he is the one who said and his Messenger [so they divorced them for their waiting period] as follows
Q/ What are the evidences that the lam in the meaning of after in the first verse of Surat Al-Talaq
C/ God Almighty said in Surat Al-Talaq, verse No. 1
{ O Prophet, if you divorce the women, then divorce them, and divorce them, divorce them. They graduated from their bayten and do not heal only that they come with a rainy and those of the limits of God and those who mean the limits of God. The same unknowingly(1) If they are in their term, and they wish them well, and they are known to know and I will see the certificate of God.(2) And He provides for him in terms of what he does not expect. And whoever relies on God, it is according to him that God is in control of his omnipotence.(3) Anti is equipped with your noodles.(4) . have another(6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and it is estimated for him.(7)}/ Surat Al-Talaq
Q/ What are the probabilities of the significance of the laam at the beginning of Surat al-Talaq 5 AH
in the pronunciation of their ‘iddah
c/. The laam here cannot be more than two possibilities.The first possibility is :
that the lam was for the start of the juvenile divorce and then the woman’s waiting period, i.e. before
the second possibility is: that the lam was here to indicate the end of the event and activate the costs entrusted to her after the end of the divorce event, meaning after
............ ............
Q / O / The divine meaning, which is arguably assumed to be: In the sense: before, it is an impossible assumption in the right of God Almighty for the following:
a) Because the repetition of the provisions in themselves is forbidden in the Book of God Almighty, because it necessitates that the Book was revealed with the truth, and the guarantee that it was revealed with the truth is a barrier between that and its occurrence. 🢃 b ) . _ _ with kindness and for men a degree over them, and God is Mighty, Wise

(228) Divorce twice, constipation of the well-known or demobilized, and does not solve you to take nothing but afraid not to establish the limits of God.(229) .{ In it, God Almighty has permitted the beginning of divorce before the waiting period for the one who divorced his wife or whoever resolved to divorce and
uttered it.
Unless the divine meaning of Lam is in the word
( for their ‘iddah ).) ☜ ☜ What is meant by the meaning of after, Q / Tell me briefly what is the meaning of pain in the first verse of Surat Al-Talaq C / In very briefly, the lam in the first verse added to their kit denotes the sign of the “after” with certainty that is neither doubtful nor possible, meaning if you want to divorce The women divorced them after their ‘iddah, so the subsequent assignment for this came, all of which proves that the lam here has a meaning after. So Al-Bari mentioned the performers of the dimension in the event of divorce in the legislation of the status of divorce, which was revealed in the fifth or sixth Hijri year . Between them, which confirms that they are still a couple

The third performer ,
the prohibition against her leaving the house (permissibility of seclusion between them, which confirms that they are still married))
The fourth leader is to commend the suspension of all the provisions of the division and mentioning them by achieving the term in the saying.(2) /Divorce) We will continue after him, God willing.
Why haste and haste, and God Almighty has removed all of you from this intransigence with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH
Q/ Why haste and haste, and God Almighty has removed you all from this intransigence with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq
/C / O Muslims
🢃🢠O Muslims Wake up and return to the book of your Lord and do not take you in the truth to blame theblamersO scholars and jurists fear your Lord and do not use people’s trust in you with their misguidance, their carelessness and hardship on themOscholars for one of you to bridle himself with silence, piety and fear of the mighty is better than to stick himself in competing in wasting this Families and scattering their members from children, women, old men, young men, and boys from girls out of ignorance, foolishness, outward love and keenness on the saying of a scholar, jurist or

🢠🢠 All of you, fear God and return to Him, and know that God Almighty sent down the last provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Rahma and lightening the people for people Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH
, which contains:
1. Husbands and wives, their homes, their children, and all their affairs are protected from the recklessness of men and their destructive fanaticism
. 2. They are deprived of activating divorce, no matter what they utter . )
3. He examined his servants in the wisest of his revelations, and preserved them until the Day of Resurrection, by preventing a man from having a period of time equal to 🢠🢠🢠 1. Three readings for women who menstruate 2. And three lunar months for those who do not menstruate , such as the large woman whose menstruation has ceased , and the small woman who does not menstruate. 🢠 And the breastfeeding woman whose menstruation was interrupted by the action of the hormone lactin and the secreted prolactin during the breastfeeding period 3. Then the pregnant woman, whom God Almighty named, divided them into the first pregnancies , so it was forbidden for all of them to divorce their wives unless they reach the waiting period at the end of the term of each section and unless they reach the end of their waiting period There is neither divorce nor separation, no matter how heavy others are gathered

Q / / What are the reasons for the difference between the jurists in the rulings on divorce,
divorce for the number of Sharia abrogating it in exchange for what was before it of the provisions of divorce I said the blogger: that a great and fierce disagreement has occurred between all the jurists, and between all the schools in the issue of divorce, and two doctrines did not agree on anything from The elements of this subject, and the beholder in the mothers of the books of jurisprudence and interpretation will see the amazement of the aspects, ideas, doctrines and trends in the issue of divorce, even Al-Qurtubi said commenting after mentioning the verse of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq. From them, until the doctrinal differences rose from 14 doctrinal differences to more than one hundred and twenty differences or more. Perhaps the only motive for these differences is due to two reasons.:
the first reason:
It is not aware of the words of God. (),
And saying: (What is reproduced from verse or forgotten I have died okay or like it knows that God is on everything Qidier (106)).
_(106) Say.),
^And the verses in this regard are many, and there is no arguing about the proof of abrogation in all its forms, from erasure to substitution, except for the passages of Afak that invalidate them. Divorce (the fifth year of the Hijri), and if people knew that God Almighty only revealed it (i.e. the Qur’an) with truth and balance, and that God Almighty did not tamper and it would be impossible for Him to tamper with Him when He revealed the rulings again after they were previously revealed(2 AH).Until he revealed it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), and all people had to be sure that God Almighty had decreed and did not tamper. By replacing it (in 5 AH), and also for Muslims to submit to the rule of God and His Messenger when He sent down the provisions previously revealed in divorce that were in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) to replace it with another in Surah At-Talaq (5 AH), that is, from the surah that was divorce and then several to the changed form into several then divorce,
Q: What is the second reason?
A / The second reason is: the difference of transmitters of the hadith of Ibn Umar in the story of his divorce of his wife while she was menstruating during the era of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, even if they knew that God, the Lord of the worlds is one, and that Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is one, and that the incident of Ibn Umar’s divorce is one and that the station The divine legislation in its incident and God’s assignment to His Messenger in the matter of divorce is one, and the station in it is one. They all know that the right in it is not multiple and that God’s intention in it is one that does not bear the differences of its transmitters, and it is not acceptable to accept only one intention in it is the legislation of the one right
Q / What do you mean By your saying that the truth is from the closest path in the incident of Abdullah Ibn Umar is what Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar that he narrates on the authority of his father Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (with his textC
/ I mean what Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar with a chain of transmission traceable to him
Q/ Did Bukhari and Muslim agree on that hadith in its text? What are the evidences for documenting the hadith of Al-Bukhari and Muslim through Malik?
A / Yes, it was agreed upon by the two sheikhs Al-Bukhari and Muslim,
b- Also because it is through the golden chain that Al-Bukhari established in his commentary on the most authentic chains of transmission on the authority of Ibn Omar, and since Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar is the most correct chain of transmission on the authority of Ibn Omar, we have the right to describe it With the following description:
1. It is the narration Al-Omdah (I mean the narration of the hadiths of divorce on the authority of Ibn Umar)
2.It is the criterion for knowing the extent of the deviations of the narrators of this story in the other narrations about the limit of rightness, the type of deviation from the text, the number of the deviations from the text (I mean the reasons for the text), and the rulings that fell from the sequence of the event in each of them transmitted by the textual impairment, and their number and quality, and it is worth mentioning here that they are separated The provisions of divorce after changing its provisions that were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), to those new provisions that God Almighty replaced in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH). God to divorce her women, then he recited the Almighty’s saying:O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they bruted them for their enemies and gave birth to the kitten and fear God your Lord, do not leave them from my peoples and do not go away, but they come with a fragrant shown and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God and the limits of God.)]]Q :
When were the divorce rulings issued?
A / The provisions of divorce were revealed in the Noble Qur’an after the lapse of (13 years), from the beginning of the mission, and some of the previous customs before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were still expanding in the heart of the Muslim community, including all the customs of divorce that existed before this period, and many of the customs Such as the habit of adoption, the habit of playing gambling, drinking wine, monuments and arrows, breastfeeding an adult, grooming, mixing, wrong circumambulation around the Kaaba, pilgrimage without running between Safa and Marwa, and the habit of heading towards the qiblah of Jerusalem, and many other things.{
Q/ Why did God not want to bring down copies of these provisions in the beginning of civil legislation
1. God Almighty did not want to bring down any copies or modifications of what was before the Muslims were able to establish their state in Medina after the lapse of the thirteen years of Mecca.
2. Even if the Muslims managed to establish their state, the revelation began to follow the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with revelation.
3. The first to come down from the Qur’anic surahs, which includes the details of the legal rulings,
4. Among the rulings that the Qur’an has given great attention to are the rulings on divorce,
5. The one who follows the path of the revelation of the rulings on divorce in the course of all civil legislation will find that these rulings were revealed in three great surahs::
a/ ( Surat Al-Baqarah
b/, Surat Al-Ahzab
c/, and Surat Al-Talaq)
Q/ What did their implications revolve C/ Its implications revolved
around two axes that have no third?
Q / What is the first axis C
/ the first axis:
1. Downloading divorce provisions in the form of a rule or basis, isDivorce first (
then) the waiting period, then dismissal without testimony
, which is based on what was the application of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
Q/ What is the second axis?
A / As for the second axis, which coincided with the time of downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH,
it is the downloading of the provisions of divorce in the form of a rule or basis that isThe
waiting period first (then) divorce, then separation, then testimony
, which is based on what has become of the applications and downloading of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH in the fifth year of the Hijri approximately
Detail of the two axes:
first axis that was in (Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH))
And the second axis, which became in Surat (Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH).Q /
What is the detail of the two axes?
A : As for the first axis 2 AH: the axis of Surat Al-Baqarah from which most of the provisions of divorce were copied later, and after downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
, it was a divorce and then several Istibra
, which was based on the applications of
Surat Al-Baqarah revealed in the first and second Hijri year
Q} / I want to understand Ali What did this axis build, the axis of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was later copied by downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
/ this legislation was established, which was in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH (most of which was later copied in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH).)
When he said in Surah al-Baqarah (and divorceds are lurking themselves three calm and do not be resolved to be what God created in their womens. Divorce twice in touch with the well-known or demobilized and does not resolve you to take nothing but afraid not to believe that the limits of God will not support the limits of God. He divorced her, and she was not allowed to himAfter until he swallows another husband, its divorced is not a suite to retreat if we do not exist to establish the limits of God and those of God's borders shows to know (230) / Surah Al-Baqarah)It
is the legislation of the first five years of migration, as the provisions of divorce prevailed in this time period before most of them were copied:
1. Whoever divorces his wife, she is divorced:
Therefore, she had to wait for herself three readings, 2. It is forbidden for her to conceal any pregnancy that occurs in her womb, 3. The woman during this waiting period is actually divorced, neither is she a wife nor is she permissible for another man, so this period was considered a period calculated for the woman from her age just because of her age. That she is self-conscious of her womb, and she has no remorse for her except because she is a receptacle for the husband, who bears the child for him and gives birth to him, 4. Accordingly, she must seek istiru’ for herself (her womb) so that she does not sin and marry due to a pregnancy that may occur from the divorced husband, and it is counted on her second husband, which is a great crime that Shariah seeks to avoid with all Possible way ' And since this period (the waiting period) is considered a reality for the account of the divorced husband and he lost the age of his divorced, God Almighty has given him an advantage that counts for him is that he is more deserving of her refund in that (i.e. in the waiting period of istibra imposed on her).

)But the
Sharia has given her the advantage of the option to accept the initiative of the divorced husband to return if they want reconciliation, and God has made for them the same as the one they are obligated to be kind in this waiting period, but God has given men a degree over them, and it is his right to return it in the waiting period if they want reconciliation
//// //////////////////////////*/////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////
Q/ Were some of the customs that extended from the era of ignorance to the Muslim community the custom of divorce without quantity and number
c / yes, and from that what It was narrated on the authority of the man who divorced his wife before that from the customs of the previous era, as narrated by Ibn Kathir in his interpretation, where he says: “This noble verse is an elevation of what the matter was in at the beginning of Islam, that the man was more entitled to take his wife back, even if he divorced her a hundred times as long as she was in the waiting period. Since this is harmful to the wives, God Almighty has limited them to three times.
Q / Is this restriction absolute?
A / No, he permitted the take-back on one or two occasions, and he made it clear in the third time,
so he said: “Divorce is twice, so withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness.”)Q :
Was there also a hadith on that?
A / Yes, as Abu Dawood, may God have mercy on him, said in his Sunan: Chapter on copying the revision after the three shots, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Marwazi told us, Ali Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Waqid told me, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Yazid al-Nahwi, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas:
( The divorced women wait for themselves for three readings, and it is not permissible for them to conceal what God has created for them).And that is
that if a man divorced his wife, he was more entitled to her taking her back, and if he divorced her three times, then he abrogated that and said: “Divorce twice.” The verse
/ Al-Nasa’i narrated it on the authority of Zakaria bin Yahya, on the authority of Ishaq bin Ibrahim, on the authority of Ali bin Al-Hussein, with it, Ibn Kathir in the interpretation (1/610)
/ Ibn Abi Hatim said in what Ibn Katheer mentioned about him, he said: Harun Ibn Ishaq told us, Abda told us, meaning Ibn Sulayman, on the authority of Hisham Ibn Urwah, on the authority of his father, that a man said to his wife: I will never divorce you, nor will I ever keep you..
She said: How is that?
He said: I will let you go, so that when your time comes, I will take you back.
She came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and mentioned that, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce is twice)
/ This is how Ibn Jarir narrated it in his tafsir through Jarir bin Abdul Hamid and Ibn Idris. And Abd bin Humaid narrated it in his interpretation, on the authority of Jaafar bin Aoun, all of them on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father..
He said : A man was more entitled to take his wife back, and if he divorced her as long as he wanted, as long as she was still in the waiting period, and a man from the Ansar was angry at his wife and said: By God, I will neither protect you nor separate from you. She said: How is that? He said: I release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back, then I will release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back. So I mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce twice) He said: So the people accepted the divorce, whoever was divorced and whoever was not..
It was narrated by Abu Bakr bin Mardawayh , through Muhammad bin Suleiman, on the authority of Ya`la bin Shabib - the mawla of al-Zubayr / on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, and he mentioned it in the manner of what was mentioned above; Al-Tirmidhi narrated it, on the authority of Qutayba, on the authority of Ya`la bin Shabib with it. Then he narrated it on the authority of Abi Kuraib, on the authority of Ibn Idris, on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father. He said: This is more correct
/ and Al-Hakim narrated it in his Mustadrak, from the path of Ya’qub bin Hamid bin Kasib, on the authority of Ya’la bin Shabib with it,
and he said the authentic chain of transmission / Then Ibn Mardawayh said: Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim told us, Ismail bin Abdullah told us, Muhammad bin Hamid told us Salama bin Al-Fadl told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha
She said: There was no time for divorce. A man divorces his wife and then takes her back as long as the waiting period is not over. There was between a man from the Ansar and his family some of what was between people, so he said: By God, I will not leave you, neither married nor married. This was done several times,
so God Almighty revealed in it:)You count the
divorce three times, irreversible after the third, until you marry another husband. This is how it was narrated on the authority of Qatada. Al-Suddi, Ibn Zayd, and Ibn Jarir mentioned it as well, and he chose that this is the interpretation of this verse. And his saying: (So withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e.: If you divorce her one or two times, you have a choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reform her and be kind to her, and between you leaving her, until you set her free and you set her free. Do not wrong her in any way from her right, and do not harm her.] Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611 .))
[ The blogger said: *And this is how the divorce rulings came down to consolidate the great principles of Islam.
*1 of them , which abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the first ignorance,
*2 of them that established a new form of the provisions of divorce that were revealed to the beginning, so the restriction of the number of divorces was revealed and it was limited to three only, [Divorce is twice, then withhold a good name with a word or word.]
3* And the ruling was revealed forbidding the plundering of a woman’s dowry, as was the case in the pre-Islamic era, and He, Most High, said [And it is not lawful for you to take anything from what you have given them.],
4 * Then the judgment was not present in the previous days of ignorance and the judgment of Al-Kahl [Only afraid of the limits of God. They are the unjust (229 .))]],
5. Then God Almighty set a final numerical limit that the woman is not permissible for the husband after consuming him, He Almighty said: [If he divorces her, she is not lawful for him afterwards until she marries a husband other than his marriage of mercy from him], and after the marriage of the Almighty is fulfilled, it is permissible for him to return to another.[ The wing they divorced her not to hold back ,thinking that if God and forge a borders of those limits prescribed by God for people who know (230)] / Sura
8888888 * 888888888888888888888888888888888
B * The second axis home where the provisions of divorce divorce 5 Surat Hegira is characterized asQ :
Is this the second and last axis whose rulings were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq, and how is it distinguished from the axis of the abrogated Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / Yes, and it is the fixed legislation until the Day of Resurrection, due to the absence of any descending of the provisions of divorce after it.
1. It is distinguished by being lax about the verses that preceded it in which there are provisions for divorce , i.e. it has become dominant over any revelation before it in which the same issues of divorce are changed, as we will see here?
2. It came down around the fifth or sixth year of Hijri (5 or 6 AH).),
i.e., slackening from what was revealed before it in Surat Al-Baqarah (1 or 2 AH) almost three years
3. It included switching the divorce ruleFrom :
Divorce, then several, then lay off without witnessing
several, then constipation or divorce, then separation, then testimony, and
this second and last axis is consistent with the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, which was founded on
several first, then constipation or divorce, his statement will come after several lines only.This is
the second axisIddah ,
then confiscation or divorce, then separation, then witnessing
an introduction .
( An offering for the second axis and the rest until the Day of Resurrection)
And the sequence of downloading the legislation and its gradation from the first revelation of the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah to the last revelations of the provisions of divorce in the last verse in the last Surah. The provisions of divorce dealt with the provisions of divorce
in Surat Al-Talaq.
c/ historical narrative:
1. God has revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2
AH the continuation of the rulings on divorce that the Muslim community will follow for a period of approximately a few years only, from the first two years of hijrah until the fifth or sixth year of hijri
2. He revealed what leads to the control of the souls of the believers in the rulings on divorce in the rest Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and some of this Surah Al-Ahzab, which was revealed, we summarize here in a few verses from Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Ahzab, as they are the two surahs that contain the rulings based on the first legislative basis revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH.Divorce ,
then a waiting period of Istibra, then laying off without a witness,
what has become of divorce (The Days of Surat Al-Talaq 5 Hijri)
Iddah, then seizure or divorce, then separation, then witnessing
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////.
First, the download of Surat Al-Baqarah and the form of the provisions of divorce in it, which was later changed in Surat Al-TalaqThe Almighty said in Surat Al-Baqarah (The revelation was about four years before Surat Al-
1. Essential verses in Surah Al-Baqarah 2
( e) and divorced lurking themselves three read and shall not be replaced by what God created in their womens.(228) Divorce twice, constipation of the well-known or demobilized, and does not solve you to take nothing but afraid not to establish the limits of God.(229) The divorced is not yet solved until he swallows a husband other than a husband, its divorced. To raise and who does so, he has wronged himself and do not make the verses of God. be preached byI believed in God and the other day. benefactors(236) Then they followed them before they wish they had an expectation, and there was a description of what was impeded, but they would be deliminated or pardoned by the node of the man.)
2 And it was also revealed in Al-Baqarah 2 AH
the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Baqarah (And for the divorced woman there is enjoyment of goodness, a right over the pious (241) Likewise He makes it clear to you (Al-Baqarah/Al-Baqarah) 24),
3 Then to the provisions of divorce revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah was added a new ruling from Surat Al-Ahzab that was revealed several months after Surat Al-Baqarah, which may reach one or two years. This ruling is( O ye who believe if you will be blessed and then shot them before they will come up with them, they are from several people, they will be very happy
. " The waiting period and the dismissal without being required to testify
^ These rulings were not completed in a manner acceptable to God Almighty for His servants until the Day of Resurrection until God Almighty decreed the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth or sixth Hijri year
and finally the final provisions of divorce were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq
and it was the beginning of a new era in which God completed The goal of justice and raising the balance of premium, so he put forward the waiting period for divorce
He said Come on in Surah. ) If they are entitled to them, they wish them to know or have known them, and I will see you, and I will see the certificate of God.) And he is in terms of what he does not count and who trusts God is true. of His command with ease (4) That is the command of God He has revealed to you, and whoever fears God will atone for his sins (5).)Q :
What is the meaning of the verses in Surat Al-Talaq?
c / [I said bloggerGod Almighty has foretold the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (that if he and the believers after him wanted to divorce women, they would divorce them after their waiting period, i.e. to complete their waiting period . Thus, the waiting period is a real obstacle between the husband and his ability to break the marital bond, and this means that whoever wants to divorce his wife will not be able to do so except after counting the number of her waiting period (three readings for those who are incubating women, and those who despair of menstruation, then the waiting period for them Those who are pregnant have their term to deliver their burden) This is the ruling of God Almighty and it is decreed for whoever wants to divorce his wife to wait for the passage of a period of time determined by God Almighty in verses 1 to 3) From Surat Al-Talaq,
Q / What is the significance of the word If??
A / I said the blogger
. As for the word if: it is an adverb for what is to come of time and is often followed by a past tense verb, a condition and an answer, or an action verb in its answer, as in verse No. 1 in Surat Al-Talaq; If it is a command, i.e. in its answer, the definition is fulfilled: If: an adverb for what is received from time, and the laam here refers to what will be received from time, such as being the mother of the future, the term, the end, or the distance
.( And we helped us thirty nights and we belong to 10 times the Lord of his Lord forty nights and Moussa told his brother Haroun, my brother in national and correct and do not follow the spoilers(142) And when Moses came to our gelatna and his Lord, his Lord said, Lord, see me, see me.) çç to
say, "I chose Moses. / Surat Al-A`raf). If, if, and if, and loma, and what we are concerned with here is a tool if it is not decisive, as in the Almighty’s saying: (If you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period), as previously detailed before the lines
Q / What are the characteristics of the non-conclusive conditional toolsC
/ One of the characteristics of non-definitive conditional tools:
^ does not affect the verb,
^ does not affect the answer to the condition
^ The sentence of the answer to the conditional that is not definitive has no place in the inflection, and it must be a past verb and after its conditions, the answer to the condition is a past verb or a command as God Almighty says (If you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period and count the kit)Likewise ,
the object of the conditional verb contained in the imperative form may be associated with the term or future in order to achieve the definition of the word if non-assertive, which the grammarians defined as: if: an adverb for the future tense and is often followed by a past tense verb, a condition and an answer, or an imperative verb in its answer
/ and as the saying of the saying: Towards: (If Muhammad comes, I come to you), then a sentence( I came to you) is a past tense verb and the sentence has no place of inflection; Because it is an answer to a condition that is not definitive, and it is a past verb and its answer is a past tense as well, and the inflection
is as follows: If: an adverb of what is to come from the time depressing the conditional is affixed to its answer. This means that the sentence of the conditional verb is subject to a preposition by adding if to it, and the factor in if the accusative is the answer. And the investigators are on the point that a nasib if it is stipulated, and most say that there is no action or suspicion in its answer. It specializes if its entry on the certain and the suspect and a lot of falling. And “if” the conditional is not definitive, unlike the sudden “if” then it is definitive.
1. The rule according to the visuals: that: If the conditional is added to a verb sentence,
2. Unlike the Kufics: they are towards the permissible in that considering that the noun that is raised after the conditional if: is raised on the initiation and the supporter of the Kufic doctrine is Abu Al-Hasan Al-Akhfash towards): If it strikes them Misfortune, they said: We belong to God and to Him we shall return) {Al-Baqarah: 156.
Consider how the sentence took the meaning of the future indicative of entering the subjunctive “if disaster strikes.” An circumstance that calls for a relation, and it has a share of rhetoric, because in its use at the beginning of the sentence an interesting style, it is authorized to mention an answer after it, and if the listener hears it, he anticipates what will come after it. 5It is
worth noting for this example in the previous honorable verse, as is the case in many verses of the Holy Book, with the coming of a nominative noun after if which is only concerned with adding it to an actual sentence as I mentioned previously. Based on this, the verse in their view is its appreciation: And if the beasts are swarmed, they are swarmed, and this doctrine was supported by Ibn Malik in his Alfiyah and Al-Zajjaj and Ibn Al-Anbari, and among the exegetes Al-Fakhr Al-Razi, Al-Suyuti, Al-Qurtubi and Al-Alusi, even Al-Anbari accused Al-Akhfash’s opinion of corruption
and the truth is that this doctrine has assigned the subject of the name after if Proceeding from the fact that if the addition to a nominative noun is far from the meaning of the litigating condition in the verb 3 / and accordingly, the articulation of the noun is after if:
1. The Basrain doctrine: a nominative subject for a deleted verb
2. The Kufic doctrine: a nominative subject, unlike if the suddenness is definitive, and finally we mentionIf : An adverb when it comes to time, depressing a conditional set in its answer, and what
is meant here in the verse of Surat Al-Talaq is that God Almighty meant by the wording: If you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period. Meaning: If you want to divorce women, then divorce them after their waiting period

Then God Almighty separated the waiting period in the verses after it (4 to verse 5) of the same surah, and the Muslims, even after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, did not realize the new divorce legislation that was revealed in Surat Al-Talaq (which was based on prioritizing the waiting period over divorce except for Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Within himself, he felt a legislative change, after which he went to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, complaining to him about what Ibn Umar his son, may God be pleased with them both, had done. The first incident of divorce came after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH at the hands of Abdullah Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them. ? So he divorced his wife and thought that she had been divorced and took her out of his house to the house of her family, so if he wanted to go to the mosque, he took a different path other than the path of her father's house, which she went to
Q/ Mention in detail the investigation of Ibn Umar’s narrations
c/ (I said the blogger: I cite this incident on the authority of Ibn Umar..Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani narrates it through the chain of gold))And
it was her destiny that he divorce her while she was menstruating, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab doubted the authenticity of what happened after the revelation of the wall of divorce, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, went to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and asked him
.(4953). Ismail bin Abdullah told us, he said: Malik told me, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them: that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating, during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so Omar bin Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Once let him take her back, then let him hold her until she becomes pure, then she menstruates, then she becomes pure, then if he wants, he should hold her after, and if he wants, he should be divorced before he touches.),
[ I said the blogger: And it is in Sahih Muslim with the same pronunciation, and the same chain of narrators (4625)] Agreed upon from the narration of the Golden Chain? And this hadith in this context and in this arrangement, through Malik, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar, has the right to be the best interpreter of the words of God Almighty in what He revealed anew the rulings in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) based on the waiting period first, then withholding or divorce
Q / What is the difference between the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (the revelation in 2 Hijri) and the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq (the revelation in the year: 5 Hijri)?
c/ in
1). Surat Al-Baqarah was revealed in the first two years after the Hijrah (2 AH).),
/ While Surat Al-Talaq was revealed in the fifth or sixth year after the Hijrah (5 AH).),
/ This means that the provisions of divorce found in Surat (Al-Talaq 5 AH), dominate over the provisions that were before them in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH,
/ and that what came (after) will modify, alter or abrogate the provisions of the one that was (before), and this is an obvious and well-known thing. I have all those who know the abrogated and abrogated,
2). The provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH) were considered previous rulings, while the provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH) became the later rulings..
3). The previous provisions of divorce (which were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH) in the first two years of the Hijrah, were based on the rule (divorce and then the waiting period of Istibra).)It turned, by God’s will and permission, to being based on (preparing the waiting period for signing a divorce) after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth year of Hijri,
4). The evidence in Surah Al-Baqarah was first and then the women (several recruits) is as saying: (and divorcees are entitled to themselves three calm and do not have to make sure what God has created in their womes, if they believe in God and the other day, (228)) / Surat Al-Baqarah) God Almighty named the divorced woman before he mandated her to prepare for divorce, so He, Glory be to Him, said (And the divorced women stalk themselves for three recitations), so the evidence became that the woman is only in the provisions of divorce 5 after the divorce is ready to receive the wife after the revelation of Surah Al-Baqarau With the text of His saying, the Most High: (Do not drive them out of their homes, nor do they go out), V and Punk as saying Come (O Prophet if you shut up the women, they are shutted for their enemies and gave the kitten and fear God, your Lord, do not get out of their peoples and does not come down, but they will come with a disturbing, and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God. .)
5). And if the woman was divorced when the rulings of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), she would be divorced and upon himShe was counted as a divorced woman, ^
and she was called a divorced woman, ^ and she used to go out of her house to observe the iddat in her family’s house, ^ and she was counted several times to isolate the womb, ^ and she was waiting for herself, for the inevitable existence of her with herself away from her husband because he became a divorced, not a husband, ^ and her exit was From the waiting period, it is called a demobilization because of the Almighty’s saying: “Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or dismissal with kindness.”

^ The demobilization here in Surat Al-Baqarah corresponds to the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq
, but the demobilization benefits the separation of the separated.(
in Lisan Al Arab
)Surning) The labyrinth money laundering money laundering in the pasture of the Al-Anam. And Abu al-Haytham said in the Almighty’s saying that when you are released and when you are released, he said, “I released the cattle, that is, I took them out from their saddlebags (the place of their cage) in the morning to the pasture [I said the blogger:Separation is the opposite of release and it is different from it, and we say the difference between the two men’s quarrel, i.e. a separation and distance between them, and his separation, i.e. the final separation after he separated him initially, (meaning the difference of what remained of their tracks after their separation originally), which here is the separation of the woman for her waiting period that was a barrier between her and her husband originally Any separation after separation, so the release then is separation after separation, and this indicates that the woman who was released had previously been out of her house, then she was taken out in the morning to her family’s house, so it is not said that someone who is not leaving her house is a disgrace, but rather the one who left her house or from her husband’s house before (They released them with kindness), conclusive evidence that the woman in herself, whose waiting period has expired according to the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) did not prevent her from being discharged except for the sake of liberation, and this means that she was separated by the waiting period, i.e. she was expelled from her home by the waiting period and then released Automatically at the end of the waiting period, the article (S_R_H) denotes (parting after separation), that is, the free movement away after leaving a chain, the woman is in her waiting period whenActivating the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 Hijri) she was forced to leave the marital home after throwing the word divorce on her, but she was made three readings in her father’s house to clear her womb.
, So he says Come on Surah Al-Baqarah (constituencies in the well-known or demobilized), while we will see the provisions of the Divorce Divorce in the fifth year that the Koran has used the word (if they are in terms of their knowledge or difference. " And the meeting, and from the common life that preceded the separation that occurred between the parties), and there is no application or legislation in this verse for the meaning of demobilization, as parting is against release and it is different from it, and we say the difference between the two men, i.e. separation, and distance between them, but release is separation after separation. In conclusion, I say:[The dismissal is a separation after separation, but the separation is a separation after documentation], so the dismissal in Surat Al-Baqarah was a separation (by pronunciation, leaving the house, followed by a separation by the expiration of the waiting period and the woman’s exit from it), while the paradox in Surat Al-Talaq became (a separation after documenting, as the woman is in the provisions of divorce). The status in Surat Al-Talaq has become still a wife on the covenant and covenant of her husband throughout the duration of the waiting period, but with the expiry of it and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a paradox, and it becomes permissible for others from the moment. And his husband and her husband books lessons with her.Her husband is the length of the waiting period, but with the expiry of the waiting period and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a separation, and it is permissible for others at once. Or their difference, and I see you, and I see you, and I will seek the certificate of God.Her husband is the length of the waiting period, but with the expiry of the waiting period and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a separation, and it is permissible for others at once. Or their difference, and I see you, and I see you, and I will seek the certificate of God.Farqohn with the well-known and witnessed you, and I saw the certificate of God.Farqohn with the well-known and witnessed you, and I saw the certificate of God.)]
6)^ One of the important differences between the legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) and what came after it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), is the following: In Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was established in the form of: the waiting period first, then holding or divorce
...............*..............* ................
Q/ Is divorce according to Surat Al-Baqarah considered valid today, counted and calculated and entails rights
C / No .. except for the one who was not replaced by God Almighty
Q / Why?
C / The divorce of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH was replaced by God the Creator by the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq5 AH, most of the divorce legislation ended in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, unless it is not
. Yes, in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, the waiting period was a waiting period for uttering and divorcing the word
. Instead of calculating them
. A Yes. The project of divorcing has begun and is prepared for them, but it will not be realized until after the waiting period has passed
. Q / What do you mean by initiation and investigation, and is there a difference between initiation and investigation?
A / Initiation is merely preparation for the investigation step
Q/ What is the difference between initiation and investigation?
C/ Initiation is in the verses of Surat Al-Talaq, indicated by the style of the non-firm condition {If you divorce, then divorce} meaning if you want to divorce {Initiation { So they divorced them {
Fulfillment} I mean, they achieved what you had begun by implementing and separating after the waiting period and
its expiry
. The Qur’an and its legitimacy came from the extension of its obligation from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and it remained unchanged. Three recitations and the Qur’aan are menstruation and purity 2. The number of those who did not get pregnant and they are A} the despairing of menstruation b) and the young women who did not breastfeed C) and some of those who breastfeed their children 3. And the number of those who have not conceived and they are The end of the pregnancy by giving birth to a miscarriage or childbirth - in this situation the wife is divorced

Q /
Was this number in Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / No, there was only a waiting period for those who only had a baby, and its legitimacy moved to Surat Al-Talaq by extension, and this was expressed with the letter of kindness {and}
Q/ Is this legislation for Surat Al-Talaq considered the completeness of the divorce legislation that God has judged?
C/ Yes, and God has accepted it for us as a religion and a law that we follow and on the Day of Resurrection, and the evidence for this is that the revelations of divorce rulings were completely cut off after downloading Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH
Q/ I mean, can I say that the content Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH has copied the content of the legislation on divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and what is the type of transcription?
A / Yes, and the type of copying is wildcard copying.
Q / Does the Qur'an referred to this kind of copy of the allowance
C / God said: (102) / Surah An-NahlAnd He, the Most High, said :
“We do not abrogate or forget a verse, We bring something better or similar to it.}
Q/ Is it possible to summarize the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq and a simple comparison between it and the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah
C/ The legislation of Surat Al-Talaq is the legislation of strictness, certainty, perfection and perfection that God has accepted for us from the religion of Islam, and there is no legislation after it until the Day of Resurrection and the end of the differences in the provisions of divorce
Q/ Did God Almighty describe it? By describing the limits or imposing his dominance until the Day of Judgment
C / Yes, he said
, come = and fear God your Lord
= and those are the limits of God
= and whoever transgresses the limits of God has wronged himself
= you do not know, perhaps God will happen after that a
matter = and bear witness to those who are just among you
= and establish testimony to God
= that is a matter God sent it down to you
= that is what He admonishes whoever believes in God and the last day.
= And whoever fears God makes him a way out (2) and I will note from where he does not count
= and who trusts God is true
Q /
What is the specific duty then
C/ It is God’s command to the Prophet and the believers that if one of them wants to initiate a divorce from his wife, that 1. He counts the waiting period of three Qur’an or three lunar months or what remains of the pregnancy until the pregnant woman gives birth and then the term or waiting period expires The time for a real divorce has come.
Q/ Does he have to divorce if the time has come, and what if he revises himself and wants not to divorce?
A / God’s mercy has been manifested in a way that astonishes minds, as justice requires that he who counts the waiting period and the time has come to be obliged to do it and divorce, but God, the Merciful, the Gentle, the All-Knowing of the conditions of His servants gave the husband a chance before the contract was broken, the house was destroyed and the children and wife scattered. Perhaps he wakes up and retreats and takes hold of his wife and does not divorce her, for my father is nothing but divorce, so let the just Muslims witness the divorce and he does not blame anyone but himself after this divine tolerance with him. He is bestowed with the option to abstain, for my father is to divorce and testify
Q/ What is the ruling on a man divorcing his wife today by uttering the divorce?
C / The time for uttering the divorce expired at the beginning of the waiting period with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, so that the utterance of divorce is invalidated except after spending a period in the marital home of three readings for those who are incubating and three lunar months for those who despair of menstruation and those who do not cuddles such as young and breastfeeding women who miss menstruation due to breastfeeding and early pregnancies until the end Pregnancy by giving birth or by miscarriage
Q/ What is the definitive evidence for that from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
C/ The evidence from the Qur’an is the verses revealed in Surat Al-Talaq in the year 5 AH
Q/ Mention this Quranic evidence
(C) If they are entitled to them, and they wish them with the well-known or familiar with you, and I will see the people of you and establish the certificate of God. God has decree for everything (3) / Surah Al-Talaq }
Q/ So what is the evidence from the correct Sunnah and it does not contradict the evidence?
c/ The hadith of Abdullah bin Omar in the narration of the Golden Chain Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of bin Omar on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace
/ Ismail bin Abdullah told us that Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar May God be pleased with them both that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating at the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. So Umar ibn al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him take her back and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then becomes pure, then if he wants, hold on after And if he wishes, he may divorce before he touches, then that is the waiting period that God commanded that women be divorced for her [p.: 258] / Sahih al-Bukhari}
Q/ What is the argument in the verse and hadith?
C / The argument in the verse is the
Almighty saying [[[[If you divorce....then divorce them for]. They counted... and they counted... do not drive them out of their homes.. and they do not go out ... and these are the limits of God ... if they reach their term ... then they seize them ... or separate them ... [The place of divorce is here after they reach their term, which is that moment Expected after maturity]
Q / What is the argument in all of this?
C / The argument lies in every word that the Qur’an came with in these verses
. Q / How?
C / {{{{If you divorce....then divorce them....]]]] is a method of a non-deterministic condition that benefits the realization of the initiation of divorce for the one who wants to divorce in the future time specified in the verse {{If they reach their term, then withhold them or {{split them}} } Or it is useful to realize the separation in the time of answering the precondition mentioned in the act of the condition with the term “Lam Al-term” for meaning in a sense[ after]
2. for . I have a lame, I mean after their enemy and to revoke
it . Leave me among my people, and set right, and do not follow the path of the mischief-makers (142) And when Moses came to him. ..our time {meaning after the end of our appointed time for it} And the word of his Lord said, Lord, see me, see me, see you will not see me but see the mountain.}}
3. Count the count, and the census is the counting for a definite end. As for counting, it is not called for an infinite definite for its countable.. It is called for the counted without a definite end..
The census is the most definitive proof that the separation (divorce) has been postponed until the end of the counted [iddat and is called the census kit.]
4. If you divorced....then divorce them...for their waiting period and count the waiting period...
5. And the evidence for the permissibility of seclusion between spouses with the wording {{Do not drive them out of their homes nor go out}} is the most definitive proof of postponing divorce until after the waiting period that verse that is, permissibility of seclusion between spouses to the degree of adhesion and incubation in the house between them except for intercourse, which is one of the necessary preparations for separation The end of the waiting period, so that if the husband had intercourse with his wife, the census procedures would collapse, and if they wanted to appeal the case of divorce, they had to start the counting from the beginning {Do not drive them out of their homes... nor do they go out} except in a situation in which all women are equal, whether they are the ones who have been warned of divorce or who are unaware in her home as a wife, which is a case The immoral act, i.e. adultery, is proven.
6. Those are the limits of God, where this form of divorce for after the waiting period became one of the limits of God in the text of the verse that the believers cannot transgress
. 1. Because it is linked to God’s decree in legislating what we do not know and God knows
. 2. . And the command of the Almighty has one of His limits
7. If they reach their term, then hold them... And holding is against sending, because of the words of God Almighty.{ Whatever God opens to people of mercy, He cannot hold it, and whatever He holds, there is none sent after Him after Him.(2) / Surat Fatir} The meaning is to keep the wife who completed the census as a wife if her husband wants not to divorce her, then the time still allows for her to be kept as a wife because God Almighty has left and postponed the divorce to arrange the waiting period
______________________________ >
Or they separated...
8. The evidence for the verse [Do not expel them from their homes nor go out] is a leave of seclusion between spouses for nothing other than that they are still spouses upon the covenant and covenant during the census period, because God Almighty has departed and postponed the divorce until after the census.}
9. And those are the limits of God. This legislation has become one of God’s limits that cannot be transgressed, transgressed, or transgressed. I mean, divorce became in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, which is the waiting period, then abstaining or separating according to the husband’s will is one of the limits of God
1-. And if they reach their term, then seize them...or separate them...
and we said that holding fast is conclusive evidence in itself that the separation has not occurred until its date, that is, until the waiting period ends and the husband chooses at the end of this waiting period, as long as he remains determined to divorce {differentiation} or relapses and withdraws from it {i.e., he chooses to refrain from it} and he has no third option, either to withdraw or either Divorce at the end of the waiting period.
Q: If he chooses to retreat, it means to hold back, would he be mocking and playing with the signs of God?
A: Absolutely not.. This legislation with this tolerance and divine transgression is what God legislated and there is no blame on God’s law, and it is the meaning that God Almighty intended in His saying{ You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that (1) / Divorce}
What is the evidence from the purified Sunnah?
The hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar , with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet
[[[ Ismael bin Abdullah told us. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, about that, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him go back to her and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then purifies, then if he wants, hold after and if he wants, divorce before he touches. Almost the same context and pronunciation]]]
/ We have chosen the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet... because it is the narration of the Golden Chain in the mouth of Al-Bukhari and Ibn Hajar ... and they are peaks in memorization, criticism, control and mastery .... especially in Ibn Umar ... and do not pay attention to those who said otherwise
/ it is the narration and the criterion on which all of Abdullah's narrations are controlled. Ibn Umar and
Malik do not surpass him or equal him in every matter of hadith, that is in memorization, control or mastery
/ as well as entering the other narrations on the authority of Abdullah bin Umar many of the ills of the text and the chain of transmission ... And the narration with meaning, visualization, summary, abbreviation and personal understanding as a reason for hadith Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, in his narration of the hadith of divorce during pregnancy... and he did not follow it from any narrator in any way or witness
/ rather it is in violation of the legislation of the Noble Qur’an in the text of the number and timing of divorce.
/ The reason for it came from his illusion that divorce is only in the case of purity and the pregnant woman in his conception is pure, so it is permissible in his conception of her divorce, so he narrated it from his own imagination and they are illusion and in violation of the evidence established by him and a great anomaly in his narration
/ Just as it is any narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar in agreement with the text of the Qur’an in Everything in the postponement of divorce for the anus, and in the paths of the number, and in the timing of the divorce after the waiting period, and so
on, and in the number, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said {{Once, let him review it until she becomes pure, then menstruates, and then becomes pure. { These two recitations, each of them is a menstruation and a purity.} And the third recitation was expressed by the Prophet who was given all the words, and the wisdom was summed up for him by the two circumstance of time: to hold the husband after or to divorce before he touches. And if he wants to be divorced before he touches, the third purity is specified because touch means intercourse and it is until the moment of the third purification that he is allowed to hold his wife as one of the two options given to the husband at the end of the waiting period, either abstinence and the last time of entering the third menstruation is like a notification of the alarm and a reduction in the time to act with constipation, or divorce and no third. What was brought by Malik’s hadith on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, the authority of the hadiths of divorce by Ibn
Umar ---------------------------------------------
Q/ Has the form changed? Assignment when a Muslim wants to divorce his wife between Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH?
A / Yes, the form and content have changed. In Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, the form was that the divorce took place, then the content entailed, as the form in Surat Al-Baqarah was that the divorce occurred, then the woman would observe [the waiting period of istibra] and the consequences included in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, so this form changed and accordingly changed its content when The revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH to the imposition of the occurrence of the waiting period first [the number of censuses] and then the occurrence of divorce for those who refuse to hold
back Q 1. Are there two downloads for the legislation of divorce and what legislation do we adhere to?? And why does the Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, do that, and I know that God does not ask about anything and they ask?
C Did you not know that to God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and besides God you have no guardian and no helper/Al-Baqarah (107)(And if we allow us to place, and God
knows what they come down?) / Surah An-Nahl{
And from here we learned that God Almighty has the absolute will to send down what He wills and alter what He wants in the course of His revealed legislation, but we have been informed that He, Glory be to Him, sends down the Qur’an containing a law to match His revelation to the energies of human beings [at every stage of the legislation when the legislation was being sent down] and gradual with them in the assignments God Almighty until He raises them to certainty and mandated judgment that will remain until the Day of Resurrection{ He who brought you the book from which the verses of the books are the mother of the book, the mother of the book and the last similar.) Our Lord does not visit our hearts after our gift and gave us from your Lord, and you are the Wahab.}
But as saying, as saying, as saying.(34)/ Surat Al-An’am - in the Sunnahs that God has sealed in all His command, Glory be to Him, as far as the legislation is counted, then it will take the form of eternal stability after its completion by placing astrology by the revelation of the revelation to the Prophet [may God’s prayers and peace be upon him]. [May God’s prayers and peace be upon him] to leave to be given a choice, so he chooses the supreme companion, the revelation is interrupted, and he seals the legislation with perfection, completeness, and contentment.
[ Today you have completed your religion and you have done you and you will see you Islam.
But Glory be to him when he ruled his verses not allowed to be one of his creation with her alleged swreets. 102) / Surah An-Nahl{ Then He
, Most High, says: {He said, “Do not dispute with me, when I have presented to you with a threat.) On the Day we will say to Hell, "Has it filled" and you will say: Is there any more?(30) / Surat S} I said this in the promise and has established God's bases before in the first creation
and he said. "They want to replace the words of God." Surah Al-Fath}
I say the blogger, after God Almighty rules a legislation that no one is allowed to alter, and the signs of judgment often appear to God for His servants, and from this law of divorce that God began in Surah Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH and completed and ruled it in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH by changing it and He is the murid, Glory be to Him, in the period of revelation
1 = because it is the period In which God Almighty limited resemblance and precision
2 = which is the period during which the Prophet of God created Muhammad to receive the revelation of heaven
3 =But after the height of the revelation and the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is not allowed to change the words of God in his legitimacy and his wife and seal the legislation of saying not in creativity is good from him and not in the best of the most beautiful of him. Unrepentant sacrifice for sin, for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (3)/Surat Al-Ma’idah}
4 = After this perfection there is no perfection and it is abstained, and after this perfection there is no perfection and it is forbidden to occur, and after this satisfaction there will be no satisfaction because it has reached the limit / and no one has the right to change I say no one has the right to change I do not say a word but a letter in the religion of God and this is the meaning that occurred The people of interpretation and changed everything that God Almighty sealed with perfection, completeness and contentment, so they turned it into a parallel legislation that is not right in anything and this coincided with His revelation of the
Qur’an as a astrologer and a sign for that to prove
His Prophet. The first is in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH . The second stage is in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH /

And each stage had a form and a rule that was compatible with the form of the stage in which the Soorat al-Baqarah was revealed. The form of divorce was phased and entered by the gradual element of assignment, but it was the beginning of divorce legislation, and it was in it, and this means that we are waiting for a tight download and replace it with the prevailing divorce legislation when the rule of its provisions for Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, as we show here after Several lines. The first legislation that will be changed later was characterized by the following . The
legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah was characterized by:.
A} / The woman in it is called divorced because divorce was a juvenile and always follows
the pronunciation 1 = Whenever the husband utters the divorce [during the period of choice in its creation], whenever he builds an edifice with family demolition, the one who divorces is called an absolute {and divorced women wait in wait..}
2} / And the consequences were directly collapsing, namely 1. The waiting period 2. The woman’s naming of the divorced woman is one of the most important of these consequences 3. Her becoming a foreign stranger after his utterance of divorce 4. The thing that caused ruins on the house just now
[a] It was a monument The house, with its wife, offspring and husband, is subject to the husband’s revolution with the different types of men, some of them are wise, and some are foolish, ignorant, and some are intelligent, and some are stupid
[b] . The repercussions of its negative consequences that people see with critical eyes and threatening feelings, and the repercussions it suffers, for which a radical and firm solution has not been established, even before the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
[c]Therefore, the expert wise revealed legislation for divorce in which a solution to all the implications of the application is characterized by clarity and provisions for all the provisions of divorce in the unseen and witnessed, so God Almighty revealed Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
3} / As for the stalking, its form distinguished the provisions of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which is that she waits and watches the divorced herself by herself, three readings that she carries in her womb A sperm is waiting for Walid to come after several months, but she was the only one responsible before God for her trust in the repercussions of her divorce without the husband bearing any of these consequences, because his pronouncement of divorce imposed a state of arrangements, including the sanctity of being alone with him in one place and dwelling and its damages to go out to her guardian’s house immediately after Pronouncing divorce on her for all of this, above the knowledge of God who is not absent from Him absent in the heavens or on the earth , so the
Almighty decreed by downloading Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH approximately / in which is the decisive solution for all the similarities in the rulings of divorce and until the Day of Resurrection
It is absent from the Muslims that Satan will try to corrupt what the Creator, the Most High, has decreed, using the tendencies of some Muslims after the generation of prophecy to rule them and corrupt what God has decreed with certainty for the provisions of divorce, including a few lines in this miraculous surah [Surat At-Talaq 5 AH]
4}/ Among the forms of application of the provisions of divorce when the rule of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH is that the divorced woman observes the waiting period in the house of her guardian and not the house of the divorced one, due to the occurrence of alienation between them just by uttering it and becoming foreign to him, because divorce broke the marriage covenant that bound them
5}/ This is because seclusion at that time does not and is not permitted. Between strangers, and the pronouncement of divorce at that time was one of the most important factors that achieved alienation and solitude between them, so the wife of Thabit bin Qais, when her husband sent her the last three divorces, went out to prepare for divorce before Abdullah bin Umm Maktum [when the rule of divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah] and in the same circumstances Abdullah’s wife came out Ibn Umar went to the house of her guardian, and he did not escape her from that except that the prevailing legislation at that time had revealed the revelation of heaven by changing it, so when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, knew that, he wasted Ibn Umar’s act and said once, let him review it.... Hadith}
/This has not been the case for any of the Muslims since the mission to the fifth or sixth year of the Hijrah 5 or 6 AH. This does not mean that favoritism, forbid God and His Messenger, or favor with which Ibn Umar was rescued, but because the Shariah that prevailed and divorce occurred was the law of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and because it They were exchanged simultaneously, and not everyone knew without exception that the previous law of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH was subject to God’s decree by switching at the time when Ibn Omar was judged by God to divorce his wife, and he did not know that even though he divorced her, she was not divorced because the legislation in Surat Divorce 5 AH This new house included the replacement of most of what prevailed in the past when the rulings of Surat Al-Baqarah 5 AH prevailed, but Abdullah was unaware of the new rulings that were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and he did not know and there is nothing in his view that opposes his action, and he is all confident that he has divorced his wife, so when the Prophet Muhammad learned That was her response to him and he assigned him with the new revelation in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH [Divorce for the waiting period] and explained it in the most correct version of Malik.On the authority of Nafi`, on the authority of Ibn Umar
Q: Is it permissible to divorce during pregnancy?
A / Click on the following link, put your right hand on the mouse and your left hand on the control button, so that the link will open for you, God willing,
to achieve the abstention from divorce of a pregnant woman and its nullity if something happens....
Q/ How does a man divorce his wife after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
A/ Click on this link. How does a man divorce his wife in the tolerant Sharia of Islam? And the...
Q/ Did the verse of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq abrogated all the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / She abrogated most of its provisions in divorce, and several of the first burdens remain, the ruling on the muscle of the divorced marriage and the provisions of khul’, but under the rule of divorce in the new surah [Surat Al-Talaq 5AH] Click the link* * The verse of divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq copied the verse of divorce in Surat Al- Baqarah 2 AH
Q/ What is the difference between the divorce legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah, which was changed after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH?
C / click this link The difference between demobilization and differentiation between soti cow and divorce...
Q/ Can you schedule the difference between the two legislations?
A / Yes, in this link there is a table of differences between divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq and...
and this link is a table of differences in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-... / Table of differences in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Suh... // Table
( the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and Q...
Table (the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and... /
What are they? Table (the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat...
/ The difference between divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baq...
/ Another presentation of the difference between Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baqarah in Tishri... / The difference is better%%% / /. The provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Talaq% / Table of difference in divorce legislation (between the two surahs of divorce... / The difference in divorce legislation between the two surahs of divorce (5 AH) and...................................
Q/ Is divorce in
Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH considered superior to its provisions that are in Surat Al-Baqarah
C/ Yes This link provided divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq, which dominated the law of divorce ... / Divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq a copy of the one that was...
Q/ Can you provide a comprehensive view of the issue of divorce for the waiting period?
A / Yes, and this is the links to divorce for the kit very detailed
Divorce for the waiting period is the law that will remain until the Day of Resurrection
1. The first divorce book of the kit
The Book of Divorce by Al-Hafiz Imam Al-Bukhari
Q/ What is the meaning of statistics and enumeration
c/ Here in this link the meaning of statistics and enumeration
Q/ Do we consider the system of divorce in Islam to be the system of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH
C/ Yes, in the following link, the system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting periodThe system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period*
Q] / Why did the jurists differ among themselves in every part of the divorce, until their differences reached quarrels, quarrels and fights as if they were in a battlefield?
A] The reason for this is due to three factors , the
is 1. The perpetrator did not realize that the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2H and the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH has a significance for God’s wisdom and will, and they did not pay attention to that which was mentioned in the previous presentation of the wisdom of God and his knowledge of the conditions of His servants and the misbehavior of some of them in the affairs of some of them If they arrived at their demolition and destruction
2. Then passionate the party for the judiciary of God in the legislation of the copier and copied in the first civil Sura revealed it [What we are reproduced]] - Then followed by an explicit verses supporting the copies in Sharia. Surah An-Nahl]...
All of this did not attract the attention of a single jurist after the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace to this day, and God knows best the condition of his servants, except that I read Professor Ahmed Shaker a new and incomplete view that is the closest to the truth in his book The System of Divorce in Islam, as well as Dr. Muhammad Tolba Zayed, although his view of it is rich and great knowledge, but it is incomplete because he did not look at the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Talaq. That the abrogated legislation invalidates the work of it because God has decreed its erasure and He is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, and from what God Almighty has erased in the Qur’an 1. From it what remains is a drawing and erases its ruling 2. And from it what God has erased its drawing and ruling as the legislation prohibiting alcohol remains the drawing of the permissibility but the drawing of the prohibition also exists so that God knows who is in Their hearts are deviation from those who are firmly on the truth.
The second strike caused by the difference in the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar
, which reached more than 14 differences, under each of them there are several common differences, bringing the number of differences on the jurisprudence of his garden to what is known only to God alone. Between the narrators and not paying attention to the fact that in such a matter efforts must be devoted and an agreement be reached on the most accurate chain of narrators to preserve in order to stave off disagreement among the nation in the most important legislation. His wife's divorce.
Q/ A man wants to divorce his wife while she is menstruating, is that appropriate??
A / No, because divorce requires a number of counting before its implementation
[1. Three readings for women who menstruate: menstruation, purification, menses, purity, then menstruation, and the third purification in which constipation or divorce takes place
2. Or three lunar months for women who are desperate for menstruation and those whose menstruation has stopped, such as young girls and some breastfeeding women are 3 After the lunar months, constipation or divorce takes place
. 3. What remains of the pregnancy period for the first pregnancies takes place at the end of them, and after them when the pregnant woman gives birth while she is in her jet. I say: After that, constipation or divorce takes place.]
Q/ The jurists say that a pregnant woman must divorce her during her purity or during her pregnancy. Is this correct?
A / This is not true. Rather, they relied on an odd narration that was unique to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha is a homosexual. Al-Nasa’i said in the districts, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman did not follow through on it. He meant an abnormality in it, as he intended that it is a non-preserved narration, and its abnormality is supported by his legacy for all the narrators of the hadith of Ibn Umar. As we did not find anyone who mentioned it in the twenty-nine paths mentioned in Al-Bukhari, Muslim and other Sunni works, in addition to accusing Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, for his memorization and control and winking over them, such as Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Ibn Abi Hatim and others. [Only three] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links
] ---------
Q / So divorce during pregnancy is not valid because it is invalid?
A / Yes, and the Qur’anic verse in this is correct and has dominance and sovereignty [The basis for the inference here is the death of God Almighty and knows the condition of the pregnant woman.]
Q/ How can we know for sure the position of the first pregnancies?
C/1. By birth
2. Or by a certain miscarriage because there are two types of miscarriage
1. Threatened miscarriage
2. A confirmed miscarriage, which comes down with the miscarriage. The contents of the uterus, such as the placenta and sperm, 3. If we are confused, let us wait for several days and conduct a pregnancy test analysis. If it is given negative, then this is a certain miscarriage
. ......
Q/ A man swore to divorce his wife so that she would obey him in something forbidden or rather something lawful, and she became lazy and did not implement it. What is the ruling?
A/ First..there is no swearing in God’s law of divorce
. Q/ The jurists say that a pregnant woman must be divorced during her purity or during her pregnancy. Is this correct?
A / This is not correct. Rather, they relied on an odd narration that was unique to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, who was anomalous. Al-Nasa’i said in the districts that Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman did not follow through on it. He meant an abnormality in it, as he intended that it is a non-preserved narration, and its abnormality is supported by his legacy for all the narrators of the hadith of Ibn Umar. As we did not find anyone who mentioned it in the twenty-nine paths mentioned in Al-Bukhari, Muslim and other Sunni works, in addition to accusing Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, for his memorization and control and winking over them, such as Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Ibn Abi Hatim and others. [Only three months old and
A / Yes, and the Qur’anic verse in this is correct and has dominance and dominance [The basis for the inference here is the death of God Almighty. The condition of the pregnant woman is known by her pregnancy in everything that the pregnant woman and the pregnant women consider their term to deliver their pregnancy and from that the position of the divorce or the pregnancy is not divorced by the pregnant woman except with certainty]
Q/ How can we know with certainty the position of carrying the first loads?
A/ By birth or by confirmed miscarriage, because there are two types of miscarriage:
1. Threatened miscarriage
2. Confirmed miscarriage that descends with miscarriage, the contents of the uterus such as the placenta and sperm 3. If we are in doubt, let us wait for several days and conduct a pregnancy test analysis. If a negative pregnancy test is given, this is a certain miscarriage
. To obey him in something forbidden, or rather something lawful, and you became lazy and did not implement it. What is the ruling?
A / First..there is no swearing in God’s law
ssselves in the law of God. The waiting period /// If they reach their term, then if you want not to divorce{ So retain them with kindness, or divorce them if you wish, or separate them with kindness} but by witnessing as God Almighty said::
Q/ Do you count wrongful divorce?
A / The divorce in which the divorced person violated the law of God is not counted, because God Almighty has legislated for those who want divorce to be divorced according to what he intends, the Exalted, the Exalted, and his restriction to this approach
Q: The liquid is asked, how will God change part of a lawn, and he is the most beautiful. There is one in it, because it is the opposite of His will, Glory be to Him, is the one on whom divine constancy has been carried out and whose matter has ended, such as the laws of the universe or theories of running and cosmic control, and all that has its effect is that it does not change. May God’s peace and blessings be upon him and the stability of legislation according to the purpose of God and the intention of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to the Day of Resurrection. Change, God Almighty has disobeyed.
3. Q3. What is divorce for the waiting period??
3 . C 3. Divorce for the waiting period is the divine revelation that abrogates the image of divorce that was prevalent in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2. H by alteration
4 /. It is the command revealed to Muslims in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and God Almighty replaced the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
5. Q 5. how ??
A 5. God the Creator replaced the form of the rule of divorce in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was a
divorce and then a waiting period, where the woman who was divorced was considered divorced and considered a divorce for herself and her womb, and it was called the “iddah of istibra” / with the new form that became into a waiting period
, then constipation or divorce, as the matter became in the new legislation and it has been postponed There is a divorce in the course of the waiting period, and the waiting period has preceded it, and it is called the “iddah of census
” ………………………………
Q 6. What do you say to me?
The number of Al-Istibra is one of the characteristics of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and the number of statistics is one of the characteristics of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
Q 7...Why is this discrepancy between them?? The discrepancy came from the nature of the two laws. Wherever the subject of divorce was, the path was arranged, noting that the place of divorce was taken away from the hands of the husbands, for they had no choice in it after the revelation of Surat Al -
Talaq with the text of the words of God Almighty
: { Oh, Prophet, if you divorce the women , divorce them. In Surat Al- Talaq 5 AH 2 = and it is in the form of a mandated call in which the Prophet issued in his capacity as the representative of the nation from the time of the assignment until the rise of the 3rd hour =

The mandate included a new ruling that is summarized in the caller, who are the Prophet and those with him from among the believers until the Day of Judgment, and a mandate is that whoever wants the nation to be divorced, let him divorce after the kit, meaning after the kit, and it is indicated here by the laam appended in the word several (for the kit) and it is called lam meaning after
.. ....................................
Q/ Are there any clues that indicate that it is the mother of the term or the end of the end or I mean yet??
C / Yes, the mother is not an illusion of a function that is to start and be frank here. To come out and thought they had to prevent them from God.)
/ But if such evidence did not come, the lam would indicate that it is the mother of the dimension / then a presumption of the first indicates that it is before and not the lam after.[ We promised us thirty nights and we believe in ten times the Lord of his Lord forty nights. So when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it crumble, and Moses fell down stunned, and when he woke up, He said, Glory be to You, do you repent? (143)]
And like saying, saying the word for the word for our gelatna is Lam after means when Moussi came after our meeqat. He dispersed from you want and guide from you, and you want to forgive us and forgive us and you are the best of the gorge
The closure to her lack of laminated with a later or mother means the goal after the path
/ and in the verse, as well as took your Lord if he takes the villages, which is an unjust that takes him very painful (102). Witnessed (103) and we only delay it for an appointed time (104) / Hood]
And the Qur’an is full of this meaning, for the purpose of the mother, or the meaning of the meaning after
Or does it mean an initiation into the realization of the event
C / it is a method of initiation and not an investigation, and it is intended that if you want to divorce women, which is the meaning such as his saying, come to prayer, and the meanings are all included in if not assertive. Which in her answer indicates the investigation of what comes from the future tense
Q/ Is divorce the obligation of God Almighty to be achieved after the waiting period, so it is necessary to count it?
A / Yes, because we do not know the end of it except by counting that number, and the census is the counting for a known time
Q/ Are there interceptive Qur’anic sentences here and what is their value in the context?
C/ Yes, these are the six interceptive Qur’anic sentences {Oh, O Prophet, if you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period, which comes after the original six verses of the Qur’an, which is the correct sentence from the sentence that you said in the sentence. Interceptive Qur'anic sentences and the related meaning of the main context is:
[ Oh Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period, and count the waiting period. Here are the six interrogative Qur’anic sentences.E So if they reach their term, then seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness, and make just and just people bear witness to them][]
The rhetoric here is that if we read the first context connected to the second, as if [O Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period. If they are entitled to them, and they wish them to know or have known them and seeking the certificate of God.
The value of these Qur’anic sentences is a preemption by God’s reminder to His servants that what remains for the believer is the content that includes their meanings
. E1 and fear God your Lord
2e do not graduate from the
3 / E and do not be closed but they are built with a deserted
4 / E and those of the limits of God
5e and whoever limits God has lost the same
6 E You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that] and an explanation that He, the Most High, still permits seclusion between them, so there is nothing wrong with them getting close to the point that He, Glory be to Him, forbade any argument that distracts them from each other, so He permitted seclusion between them as self-evident
1. Because they are both
spouses . Husbands take them out of their homes, which is her husband's house.
3. It is forbidden for them to go out, surrounding them both with warnings and warnings so that one of them does not waste time on the other
4.In this regard, everything between them is permitted and everything is higher between them except for intercourse, not because it is forbidden between them, but because if they have intercourse, all the preparation procedures that prepare for separation at the end of the waiting period have collapsed with this intercourse. In the midst of it all is longing, craving, and attraction to each other more than before, and permission for everything permissible between them, even intercourse, which if they wanted to proceed to divorce, they would abstain from it until they reached their term. He divorces her and remembers the words of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, [A believer does not rub a believing woman if he dislikes her, he will be pleased with her at the end of the hadith] and here God’s wisdom is manifested in His saying [You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that (1)/ Surat Al-Talaq]
Q / I remember these probative
sentences and remind the basic context, O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they brought them to their enemies . God has wronged himself 5 = You do not know, perhaps God will do something after that (1)

..... If they are entitled to them, and they wish them with the well - known
or differed
. "And fear God your Lord
. Perhaps after that God will bring about a matter (1

Then if they reach their term, then seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness
And I appalled by you and the certificate of God. It is better than your women..
_) And he is in terms of what he does not count and who trusts God is true. ease of his command (4) That is the command of God He has revealed to you, and whoever fears God will atone for his sins (5).Q /
I mean, what should a person who wants to divorce his wife do?
C/ They both have to observe iddat and be present at home day and night, except as required by the provision of alimony, so the husband must do, but the wife does not leave the house and does not leave the house at all, unless they commit a clear indecency, which is adultery
Q/ What if That the husband uttered the divorce before the waiting period was completed
c / they do not have to make any utterance of the divorce as long as it was not after the waiting period, which is the waiting period for the census
{ The book has come down to you with the truth confirming what is between His hands and down the Torah and the Bible (3) by Huda for people and dropped the teams that those who disbelieve the verses of God have a severe torment and God is revenge (4Nothing is hidden from God on earth nor in heaven (5) It is He who shapes you in the wombs of God Almighty.)
O Prophet If you shut down women, they brought them to their
enemies and gave the two original
context . He wronged himself 5 = You do not know, perhaps God will do something after that (1

Realizing the abstention of a pregnant woman's divorce and its nullity if it occurs only after she gives birth
How did Surat Al-Talaq - divorce for a pregnant woman from her husband who decided to divorce her by delaying the divorce until after the delivery of the pregnancy?!!
Here is the statement:
You can move the adjustment bar at the bottom of the blog page to center the page
to achieve abstaining from divorce of a pregnant woman and nullifying it if it occurs only after she gives birth,
click this link
The form of divorce in pregnancy After the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth Hijri year, the husband begins to notify his wife that she counts the months of pregnancy with his intention to divorce her (or if he was traveling or absent from her for the duration of the pregnancy and the time for childbirth came, or she did not complete
her pregnancy and fell) ____ Then she remains in her home, which is his home Because they are both still married _____ then if he
has reached the end of the waiting period and both of them have counted it ______ and the husband’s role comes here and here only to hold his wife and fail to divorce or resolve to divorce, then he divorces __ then testifies and establishes the testimony that he divorced his wife ____ Then they separate to become the only solution for others and it has been confirmed that what is in Her womb is nothing, and that her newborn baby is her offspring from her husband who divorced her, and thus the lineages do not mix, and every living person knows who he is and who is not.) Repeated
in another font
Q// What does it mean if they are pregnant women then spend on them?
C / the first - the Almighty's saying: {Reside in them wherever you dwell. who finds you} Ashhab said on the authority of Malik: He leaves her if he divorces her and leaves her in the house; to say Almighty: { inhabit them}. If she had what he said, live them.
[ I said the blogger: This is an incorrect reasoning, because the speech is directed mainly to married men, and Ashhab bin Malik relied mainly on the women’s nun in his saying, Exalted be He.( place themThe correct and conclusive evidence that their residence is one in the same house is the marital home( In terms of where you lived) and the wives’ house (their homes) is an expression from where you resided, which God Almighty has made obligatory. A single house and God Almighty has its purpose. He said: Perhaps God will bring about a matter after that
, because prioritizing the waiting period and delaying divorce after the waiting period... I say prioritizing the waiting period and delaying the divorce until after the waiting period... God has preserved the marital status between them, so there is no objection here, then, from their stay In their one house, because the divorce arrow did not strike them, but rather he is waiting for them at the end of the waiting period]
And Ibn Nafi’ said: Malik said in the words of God Almighty“ Accommodate them from wherever you reside” means the divorced women who are the sons of their husbands, there is no return to them and they are not pregnant. If she is pregnant, she has alimony, clothing and housing until her waiting period expires. As for those of them who did not build, their women inherit, and they do not go out unless their husbands allow them what was in their waiting period, and they were not ordered to live in for them because that is necessary for their husbands with their maintenance and clothing, whether they are pregnant or not. God only commanded the residence of the sons of their husbands along with their maintenance, God Almighty said: {And if they are pregnant women, then spend on them until they give birth to their children} So the Almighty made housing for the pregnant women and their husbands..
Is what the jurists said right, or is it right?
The blogger said all this is wrong because Ibn Nafeh confused the two Surahs of Al-Baqarah from which most of the provisions of divorce were erased with Surat Al-Talaq 7/6 AH in which God amended most of the provisions of divorce previously revealed in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH. Or the seventh of the Hijrah 7/6 AH. Ibn Nafeh did not notice that he was speaking in the contexts of the words that preceded in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, according to which the woman was considered divorced just by uttering the word divorce, so he confused that (considering her as divorced) and the Sharia court revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 6 or 7 for migration, which was judged God and His Messenger in it is that the woman is a wife who has not been divorced because God Almighty has decreed divorce in her to the end of the waiting period and behind her back wall
᭒ Permission to Divorce
Ibn al-Arabi said: He explained and realized that when Allah, Glory be to Him, mentioned housing, He released it for every divorced woman. The divorced women were before the sixth year of the Hijri, and from that severe error in integrating the inference with the incident of Fatimah bint Qais Ali housing legislation, as if she had been divorced after the sixth or seventh year of migration and it is definitely confirmed that she was divorced during the second year of migration when her husband sent her the last three divorces while he was in the conquest with Sariya Ali Ibn Abi Talib], when he mentioned the alimony, he tied it to pregnancy [I said the blogger: If people had reviewed the dates of these events, the problem would have been resolved, and we would have known the algorithms of these issues with ease and ease.]Q :
Is what Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi said correct here??
{ Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi said: It indicates that the irrevocably divorced woman does not have alimony
c / [I said the blogger: The jurists still infer the abrogated and the abrogated at the same time in the spectrum and field of divorce rulings, as the woman is no longer in Surat Al-Talaq when the fulfillment of the obligation to enumerate them, she and her husband together and in the house One but a wife who has not been divorced and will not be divorced until at the end of the waiting period, not only this, but also on another condition, which is if the husband resolves and resolves to divorce her and refuses to seize her, according to the Almighty’s saying (so if they reach their term, then they should seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness, and just witnesses among you.. verses)]. Al-Qurtubi said: It is a great issue that we have paved the way for in the Qur’an and Sunnah and meaning in matters of dispute. And this is its take from the Qur’an...Q :
Is what Al-Qurtubi said here correct?? I said, i.e. Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi: The
scholars differed about the divorced woman in three ways.
2. The view of Abu Hanifa and his companions is that she is entitled to housing and maintenance.
3. The view of Ahmad, Ishaq and Abu Thawr: That she has neither maintenance nor housing, according to the hadith of Fatima bint Qais.A/[I said to the blogger: What a wonder ,
does he refer to a hadith that preceded a later legislation, but that the later is the abrogator and eraser of the previous and that this is a time and that is a time and it is not appropriate to combine the two laws], she said: I entered the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and with me was my brother-in -law
Q/ When did this fact happen?
A / [I said this blogger in the second year of migration is in accordance with the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH( See Sariya Ali bin Abi Talib and Qais bin Thabet with him) So I said: My husband divorced me, and this claims that I do not have a residence or maintenance? He said: "But you have the housing and you have the alimony." He said: Her husband divorced her three times. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Residence and maintenance are only for the one who has to take it back.”
Q/ What if this pronunciation is correct ?
c/ ( I said the blogger: If this wording is correct, then it is like that, because she is freeing her womb for the husband’s account, so that the womb is not filled with a newborn without his knowledge. However, no Qur’anic legislation was revealed in it included in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH during the first two years after the migration of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.Q /
How did Al-Qurtubi elaborate on the interpretation of the event?
Al-Qurtubi said at length in the narration of the hadith: When I came to Kufa, Al-Aswad bin Yazid asked me to ask me about that, and Abdullah’s companions say: It has housing and maintenance. Narrated by Al-Daraqutni. Muslim’s wording about her: that her husband divorced her during the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he spent on her without spending.. She said: So I mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said: “You have neither maintenance nor housing.” I said the blogger is an absolute term that includes her prohibition of claiming the right to alimony and housing, she and other divorced women according to the legislation of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was revealed in the first two years of migration
Q / Which is correct Verbally and emphatically?
A / [I said the blogger: This is the fixed wording and not the wording of the previous narration: “The housing and the alimony is on the one who has to take it back”] {This is a context in which there is a contradictory verbal inclusion.}
* Al-Daraqutni mentioned on the authority of Al-Aswad, he said: Omar said when he heard the words of Fatimah bint Qais: We do not allow Muslims to say a woman’s statement. And it was made for the divorced three housing and alimony. Then he said, and on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, he said: Al-Aswad bin Yazid met me and said: O my people, fear God and turn back from the hadith of Fatima bint Qais; The Omar was making her housing and alimony. I said: I will not go back from something that Fatimah bint Qais told me on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
Q/ I see here an inference about an event that occurred in the second Hijri year mixed with the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq, the fifth status of the Hijri 5 AH, as it applies to Surat Al-Baqarah, the status of 2 AH, so is this permissible? Astonishing?
C / I said the blogger: Qatada and Ibn Abi Laila said: There is no residence except for the reactionary; Because He, the Most High, said: {You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that}, and the Almighty’s saying: “Reside in them.” God knows. And because the housing is affiliated with the maintenance and its course is ongoing; When she did not respond to the expense of the mabouta, she did not have to live. And the argument of Abu Hanifa is that the woman who has been killed is entitled to alimony, the Almighty’s saying: {And do not harm them, so that you will be hard on them. And in Omar's denial of Fatima,
Q / What do you see here from their deductions that are correct?
A / {I said the blogger noted the popular inference and his determination to deny alimony and housing on the modernization of Fatima bint Qais and because it was revealed before the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth or sixth year of Hijri
. In the second Hijri year,
he noticed accordingly the terrible difference between the two sayings, which was established due to the neglect of the element of temporal laxity between the two legislations, which indicates a switch between them and copies}
I said the blogger, then Al-Qurtubi said: Her statement does not show this, and because she is in the waiting period who deserves to live on the basis of a divorce, so she had the alimony as revocable, and because she was imprisoned on him by his right, so she deserved the alimony as the wife. And the evidence for Malik is the saying of the Most High: {And if you are the first to become pregnant} the verse. {I said here Al-Qurtubi mixed the legislation between the copyist in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and the abrogated one, which was revealed in 2 AH, as if there was no contradiction between them and abrogation} Al-Qurtubi said, resuming: on what was previously explained. It has been said: God Almighty mentioned the retroactive divorced woman and her rulings at the beginning of the verse to his saying: {Those who are just among you. It is general in every absolute; Then refer to the rulings after that to every divorced woman.
[ I said the blogger and the Hafiz’s explanation in which there is an unintended symptom of the element of temporal laxity between the two surahs] And what will follow follows this rule that we have originated and we have demonstrated the proof of the difference in history with no doubt that Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH is dominant over the foregoing revelation of the provisions of divorce in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH and that the will of the Creator was based on me The intent is to change the form of divorce from divorce, then several istibra, then demobilization to several counts, then seizure or divorce, then separation, then attestation.
Q / What is the second axis?
A / As for the second axis, which coincided with the time of downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH,
it is the downloading of the provisions of divorce in the form of a rule or basis that isThe
waiting period first (then) divorce, then separation, then testimony
, which is based on what has become of the applications and downloading of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH in the fifth year of the Hijri approximately
Detail of the two axes:
first axis that was in (Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH))
And the second axis, which became in Surat (Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH).Q /
What is the detail of the two axes?
A : As for the first axis 2 AH: the axis of Surat Al-Baqarah from which most of the provisions of divorce were copied later, and after downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
, it was a divorce and then several Istibra
, which was based on the applications of
Surat Al-Baqarah revealed in the first and second Hijri year
Q} / I want to understand Ali What did this axis build, the axis of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was later copied by downloading Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
/ this legislation was established, which was in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH (most of which was later copied in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH).)
When he said in Surah al-Baqarah (and divorceds are lurking themselves three calm and do not be resolved to be what God created in their womens. Divorce twice in touch with the well-known or demobilized and does not resolve you to take nothing but afraid not to believe that the limits of God will not support the limits of God. He divorced her, and she was not allowed to himAfter until he swallows another husband, its divorced is not a suite to retreat if we do not exist to establish the limits of God and those of God's borders shows to know (230) / Surah Al-Baqarah)It
is the legislation of the first five years of migration, as the provisions of divorce prevailed in this time period before most of them were copied:
1. Whoever divorces his wife, she is divorced:
Therefore, she had to wait for herself three readings, 2. It is forbidden for her to conceal any pregnancy that occurs in her womb, 3. The woman during this waiting period is actually divorced, neither is she a wife nor is she permissible for another man, so this period was considered a period calculated for the woman from her age just because of her age. That she is self-conscious of her womb, and she has no remorse for her except because she is a receptacle for the husband, who bears the child for him and gives birth to him, 4. Accordingly, she must seek istiru’ for herself (her womb) so that she does not sin and marry due to a pregnancy that may occur from the divorced husband, and it is counted on her second husband, which is a great crime that Shariah seeks to avoid with all Possible way ' And since this period (the waiting period) is considered a reality for the account of the divorced husband and he lost the age of his divorced, God Almighty has given him an advantage that counts for him is that he is more deserving of her refund in that (i.e. in the waiting period of istibra imposed on her).

)But the
Sharia has given her the advantage of the choice to accept the initiative of the divorced husband to return if they want reconciliation, and God has made for them the same as what they are obligated to honor in this waiting period, but God has appointed for men a degree, and it is his right to return it in the waiting period if they want reform
Q/ Was it from Some of the customs that were extended from the era of ignorance to the Muslim community, the custom of divorce without quantity and the number
c / yes, and this is what was narrated about the man who divorced his wife before that from the customs of the previous era as narrated by Ibn Kathir in his interpretation where he says: (This noble verse raises what he was upon The matter at the beginning of Islam is that a man was more entitled to take his wife back, even if he divorced her a hundred times as long as she was in the waiting period, and when this was harmful to the wives, God Almighty limited them to three divorces,
Q / Is this restriction at all
C / No, it is permissible to take back Once and twice, and he showed it in college in the third,
He said: (Divorce takes place twice, withholding with kindness or dismissal with kindness.)Q :
Was there also a hadith on that?
A / Yes, as Abu Dawood, may God have mercy on him, said in his Sunan: Chapter on copying the revision after the three shots, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Marwazi told us, Ali Ibn al-Husayn Ibn Waqid told me, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Yazid al-Nahwi, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas:
( The divorced women wait for themselves for three readings, and it is not permissible for them to conceal what God has created for them).And that is
that if a man divorced his wife, he was more entitled to her taking her back, and if he divorced her three times, then he abrogated that and said: “Divorce twice.” The verse
/ Al-Nasa’i narrated it on the authority of Zakaria bin Yahya, on the authority of Ishaq bin Ibrahim, on the authority of Ali bin Al-Hussein, with it, Ibn Kathir in the interpretation (1/610)
/ Ibn Abi Hatim said in what Ibn Katheer mentioned about him, he said: Harun Ibn Ishaq told us, Abda told us, meaning Ibn Sulayman, on the authority of Hisham Ibn Urwah, on the authority of his father, that a man said to his wife: I will never divorce you, nor will I ever keep you..
She said: How is that?
He said: I will let you go, so that when your time comes, I will take you back.
She came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and mentioned that, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce is twice)
/ This is how Ibn Jarir narrated it in his tafsir through Jarir bin Abdul Hamid and Ibn Idris. And Abd bin Humaid narrated it in his interpretation, on the authority of Jaafar bin Aoun, all of them on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father..
He said : A man was more entitled to take his wife back, and if he divorced her as long as he wanted, as long as she was still in the waiting period, and a man from the Ansar was angry at his wife and said: By God, I will neither protect you nor separate from you. She said: How is that? He said: I release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back, then I will release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back. So I mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce twice) He said: So the people accepted the divorce, whoever was divorced and whoever was not..
It was narrated by Abu Bakr bin Mardawayh , through Muhammad bin Suleiman, on the authority of Ya`la bin Shabib - the mawla of al-Zubayr / on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, and he mentioned it in the manner of what was mentioned above; Al-Tirmidhi narrated it, on the authority of Qutayba, on the authority of Ya`la bin Shabib with it. Then he narrated it on the authority of Abi Kuraib, on the authority of Ibn Idris, on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father. He said: This is more correct
/ and Al-Hakim narrated it in his Mustadrak, from the path of Ya’qub bin Hamid bin Kasib, on the authority of Ya’la bin Shabib with it,
and he said the authentic chain of transmission / Then Ibn Mardawayh said: Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim told us, Ismail bin Abdullah told us, Muhammad bin Hamid told us Salama bin Al-Fadl told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha
She said: There was no time for divorce. A man divorces his wife and then takes her back as long as the waiting period is not over. There was between a man from the Ansar and his family some of what was between people, so he said: By God, I will not leave you, neither married nor married. This was done several times,
so God Almighty revealed in it:)You count the
divorce three times, irreversible after the third, until you marry another husband. This is how it was narrated on the authority of Qatada. Al-Suddi, Ibn Zayd, and Ibn Jarir mentioned it as well, and he chose that this is the interpretation of this verse. And his saying: (So withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e.: If you divorce her one or two times, you have a choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reform her and be kind to her, and between you leaving her, until you set her free and you set her free. Do not wrong her in any way from her right, and do not harm her.] Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611 .))
[ The blogger said: *And this is how the divorce rulings came down to consolidate the great principles of Islam.
*1 of them , which abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the first ignorance,
*2 of them that established a new form of the provisions of divorce that were revealed to the beginning, so the restriction of the number of divorces was revealed and it was limited to three only, [Divorce is twice, then withhold a good name with a word or word.]
3* And the ruling was revealed forbidding the plundering of a woman’s dowry, as was the case in the pre-Islamic era, and He, Most High, said [And it is not lawful for you to take anything from what you have given them.],
4 * Then the judgment was not present in the previous days of ignorance and the judgment of Al-Kahl [Only afraid of the limits of God. They are the unjust (229 .))]],
5. Then God Almighty set a final numerical limit that the woman is not permissible for the husband after consuming him, He Almighty said: [If he divorces her, she is not lawful for him afterwards until she marries a husband other than his marriage of mercy from him], and after the marriage of the Almighty is fulfilled, it is permissible for him to return to another.[ If its divorce is not to fall if we decline if we have established the limits of God and those of God's borders shows to know (230)] / Surah Al-Baqarah
B * The second axis in which the house in which the divorce provisions of divorce 5 Hijri and is characterized byQ :
Is this the second and last axis whose rulings were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq, and how is it distinguished from the axis of the abrogated Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / Yes, and it is the fixed legislation until the Day of Resurrection, due to the absence of any descending of the provisions of divorce after it.
1. It is distinguished by being lax about the verses that preceded it in which there are provisions for divorce , i.e. it has become dominant over any revelation before it in which the same issues of divorce are changed, as we will see here?
2. It came down around the fifth or sixth year of Hijri (5 or 6 AH).),
i.e., slackening from what was revealed before it in Surat Al-Baqarah (1 or 2 AH) almost three years
3. It included switching the divorce ruleFrom :
Divorce, then several, then lay off without witnessing
several, then constipation or divorce, then separation, then testimony, and
this second and last axis is consistent with the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, which was founded on
several first, then constipation or divorce, his statement will come after several lines only.This is
the second axisIddah ,
then confiscation or divorce, then separation, then witnessing
an introduction .
( An offering for the second axis and the rest until the Day of Resurrection)
And the sequence of downloading the legislation and its gradation from the first revelation of the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah to the last revelations of the provisions of divorce in the last verse in the last Surah. The provisions of divorce dealt with the provisions of divorce
in Surat Al-Talaq.
c/ historical narrative:
1. God has revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2
AH the continuation of the rulings on divorce that the Muslim community will follow for a period of approximately a few years only, from the first two years of hijrah until the fifth or sixth year of hijri
2. He revealed what leads to the control of the souls of the believers in the rulings on divorce in the rest Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and some of this Surah Al-Ahzab, which was revealed, we summarize here in a few verses from Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Ahzab, as they are the two surahs that contain the rulings based on the first legislative basis revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH.Divorce ,
then a waiting period of Istibra, then laying off without a witness,
what has become of divorce (The Days of Surat Al-Talaq 5 Hijri)
Iddah, then seizure or divorce, then separation, then witnessing
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////.
First, the download of Surat Al-Baqarah and the form of the provisions of divorce in it, which was later changed in Surat Al-TalaqThe Almighty said in Surat Al-Baqarah (The revelation was about four years before Surat Al-
1. Essential verses in Surah Al-Baqarah 2
( e) and divorced lurking themselves three read and shall not be replaced by what God created in their womens.(228) Divorce twice, constipation of the well-known or demobilized, and does not solve you to take nothing but afraid not to establish the limits of God.(229) The divorced is not yet solved until he swallows a husband other than a husband, its divorced. To raise and who does so, he has wronged himself and do not make the verses of God. be preached byI believed in God and the other day. benefactors(236) Then they followed them before they wish they had an expectation, and there was a description of what was impeded, but they would be deliminated or pardoned by the node of the man.)
2 And it was also revealed in Al-Baqarah 2 AH
the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Baqarah (And for the divorced woman there is enjoyment of goodness, a right over the pious (241) Likewise He makes it clear to you (Al-Baqarah/Al-Baqarah) 24),
3 Then to the provisions of divorce revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah was added a new ruling from Surat Al-Ahzab that was revealed several months after Surat Al-Baqarah, which may reach one or two years. This ruling is( O ye who believe if you will be blessed and then shot them before they will come up with them, they are from several people, they will be very happy
. " The waiting period and the dismissal without being required to testify
^ These rulings were not completed in a manner acceptable to God Almighty for His servants until the Day of Resurrection until God Almighty decreed the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth or sixth Hijri year
and finally the final provisions of divorce were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq
and it was the beginning of a new era in which God completed The goal of justice and raising the balance of premium, so he put forward the waiting period for divorce
He said Come on in Surah. ) If they are entitled to them, they wish them to know or have known them, and I will see you, and I will see the certificate of God.) And he is in terms of what he does not count and who trusts God is true. of His command with ease (4) That is the command of God He has revealed to you, and whoever fears God will atone for his sins (5).)Q :
What is the meaning of the verses in Surat Al-Talaq?
c / [I said bloggerGod Almighty has foretold the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (that if he and the believers after him wanted to divorce women, they would divorce them after their waiting period, i.e. to complete their waiting period . Thus, the waiting period is a real obstacle between the husband and his ability to break the marital bond, and this means that whoever wants to divorce his wife will not be able to do so except after counting the number of her waiting period (three readings for those who are incubating women, and those who despair of menstruation, then the waiting period for them Those who are pregnant have their term to deliver their burden) This is the ruling of God Almighty and it is decreed for whoever wants to divorce his wife to wait for the passage of a period of time determined by God Almighty in verses 1 to 3) From Surat Al-Talaq,
Q / What is the significance of the word If??
A / I said the blogger
. As for the word if: it is an adverb for what is to come of time and is often followed by a past tense verb, a condition and an answer, or an action verb in its answer, as in verse No. 1 in Surat Al-Talaq; If it is a command, i.e. in its answer, the definition is fulfilled: If: an adverb for what is received from time, and the laam here refers to what will be received from time, such as being the mother of the future, the term, the end, or the distance
.( And we helped us thirty nights and we belong to 10 times the Lord of his Lord forty nights and Moussa told his brother Haroun, my brother in national and correct and do not follow the spoilers(142) And when Moses came to our gelatna and his Lord, his Lord said, Lord, see me, see me.) çç to
say, "I chose Moses. /Surat Al-A`raf).:( So, if, if, and if, and loma, and what we are concerned with here is a tool if it is not decisive, as in the Almighty’s saying: (If you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period), as previously detailed before the lines
Q / What are the characteristics of the non-conclusive conditional toolsC
/ One of the characteristics of non-definitive conditional tools:
^ It does not affect the verb,
it does not affect the answer to the conditional . The
sentence of the answer to the conditional that is not definitive has no place in the inflection, and it must be a past verb and after its conditions, the answer to the condition is a past tense or a command as God Almighty says (If you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period)Likewise ,
the object of the conditional verb contained in the imperative form may be associated with the term or future in order to achieve the definition of the word if non-assertive, which the grammarians defined as: if: an adverb for the future tense and is often followed by a past tense verb, a condition and an answer, or an imperative verb in its answer
/ and as the saying of the saying: Towards: (If Muhammad comes, I come to you), then a sentence( I came to you) is a past tense verb and the sentence has no place of inflection; Because it is an answer to a condition that is not definitive, and it is a past verb and its answer is a past tense as well, and the inflection
is as follows: If: an adverb of what is to come from the time depressing the conditional is affixed to its answer. This means that the sentence of the conditional verb is subject to a preposition by adding if to it, and the factor in if the accusative is the answer. And the investigators are on the point that a nasib if it is stipulated, and most say that there is no action or suspicion in its answer. It specializes if its entry on the certain and the suspect and a lot of falling. And “if” the conditional is not definitive, unlike the sudden “if” then it is definitive.
1. The rule according to the visuals: that: If the conditional is added to a verb sentence,
2. Unlike the Kufics: they are towards the permissible in that considering that the noun that is raised after the conditional if: is raised on the initiation and the supporter of the Kufic doctrine is Abu Al-Hasan Al-Akhfash towards): If it strikes them Misfortune, they said: We belong to God and to Him we shall return) {Al-Baqarah: 156.
Consider how the sentence took the meaning of the future indicative of entering the subjunctive “if disaster strikes.” An circumstance that calls for a relation, and it has a share of rhetoric, because in its use at the beginning of the sentence an interesting style, it is authorized to mention an answer after it, and if the listener hears it, he anticipates what will come after it. 5It is
worth noting for this example in the previous honorable verse, as is the case in many verses of the Holy Book, with the coming of a nominative noun after if which is only concerned with adding it to an actual sentence as I mentioned previously. Based on this, the verse in their view is its appreciation: And if the beasts are swarmed, they are swarmed, and this doctrine was supported by Ibn Malik in his Alfiyah and Al-Zajjaj and Ibn Al-Anbari, and among the exegetes Al-Fakhr Al-Razi, Al-Suyuti, Al-Qurtubi and Al-Alusi, even Al-Anbari accused Al-Akhfash’s opinion of corruption
and the truth is that this doctrine has assigned the subject of the name after if Proceeding from the fact that if the addition to a nominative noun is far from the meaning of the litigating condition in the verb 3 / and accordingly, the articulation of the noun is after if:
1. The Basrain doctrine: a nominative subject for a deleted verb
2. The Kufic doctrine: a nominative subject, unlike if the suddenness is definitive, and finally we mentionIf : An adverb when it comes to time, depressing a conditional set in its answer, and what
is meant here in the verse of Surat Al-Talaq is that God Almighty meant by the wording: If you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period. Meaning: If you want to divorce women, then divorce them after their waiting period

Then God Almighty separated the waiting period in the verses after it (4 to verse 5) of the same surah, and the Muslims, even after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, did not realize the new divorce legislation that was revealed in Surat Al-Talaq (which was based on prioritizing the waiting period over divorce except for Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Within himself, he felt a legislative change, after which he went to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, complaining to him about what Ibn Umar his son, may God be pleased with them both, had done. The first incident of divorce came after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH at the hands of Abdullah Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them. ? So he divorced his wife and thought that she had been divorced and took her out of his house to the house of her family, so if he wanted to go to the mosque, he took a different path other than the path of her father's house, which she went to
Q/ Mention in detail the investigation of Ibn Umar’s narrations
c/ (I said the blogger: I cite this incident on the authority of Ibn Umar..Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani narrates it through the chain of gold))And
it was her destiny that he divorce her while she was menstruating, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab doubted the authenticity of what happened after the revelation of the wall of divorce, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, went to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and asked him
.(4953). Ismail bin Abdullah told us, he said: Malik told me, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them: that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating, during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so Omar bin Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Once let him take her back, then let him hold her until she becomes pure, then she menstruates, then she becomes pure, then if he wants, he should hold her after, and if he wants, he should be divorced before he touches.),
[ I said the blogger: And it is in Sahih Muslim with the same pronunciation, and the same chain of narrators (4625)] Agreed upon from the narration of the Golden Chain? And this hadith in this context and in this arrangement, through Malik, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar, has the right to be the best interpreter of the words of God Almighty in what He revealed anew the rulings in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) based on the waiting period first, then withholding or divorce
Q / What is the difference between the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (the revelation in 2 Hijri) and the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq (the revelation in the year: 5 Hijri)?
Answer / in
1). Surat Al-Baqarah was revealed in the first two years after the Hijrah (2 AH).),
/ While Surat Al-Talaq was revealed in the fifth or sixth year after the Hijrah (5 AH).),
/ This means that the provisions of divorce found in Surat (Al-Talaq 5 AH), dominate over the provisions that were before them in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH,
/ and that what came (after) will modify, alter or abrogate the provisions of the one that was (before), and this is an obvious and well-known thing. I have all those who know the abrogated and abrogated,
2). The provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH) were considered previous rulings, while the provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH) became the later rulings..
3). The previous provisions of divorce (which were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH) in the first two years of the Hijrah, were based on the rule (divorce and then the waiting period of Istibra).)It turned, by God’s will and permission, to being based on (preparing the waiting period for signing a divorce) after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth year of Hijri,
4). The evidence in Surah Al-Baqarah was first and then the women (several recruits) is as saying: (and divorcees are entitled to themselves three calm and do not have to make sure what God has created in their womes, if they believe in God and the other day, (228)) / Surat Al-Baqarah) God Almighty named the divorced woman before he mandated her to prepare for divorce, so He, Glory be to Him, said (And the divorced women stalk themselves for three recitations), so the evidence became that the woman is only in the provisions of divorce 5 after the divorce is ready to receive the wife after the revelation of Surah Al-Baqarau With the text of His saying, the Most High: (Do not drive them out of their homes, nor do they go out), V and Punk as saying Come (O Prophet if you shut up the women, they are shutted for their enemies and gave the kitten and fear God, your Lord, do not get out of their peoples and does not come down, but they will come with a disturbing, and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God. .)
5). And if the woman was divorced when the rulings of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), she would be divorced and upon himShe was counted as a divorced woman, ^
and she was called a divorced woman, ^ and she used to go out of her house to observe the iddat in her family’s house, ^ and she was counted several times to isolate the womb, ^ and she was waiting for herself, for the inevitable existence of her with herself away from her husband because he became a divorced, not a husband, ^ and her exit was From the waiting period, it is called a demobilization because of the Almighty’s saying: “Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or dismissal with kindness.”

^ The demobilization here in Surat Al-Baqarah corresponds to the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq
, but the demobilization benefits the separation of the separated.(
in Lisan Al Arab
)Surning) The labyrinth money laundering money laundering in the pasture of the Al-Anam. And Abu al-Haytham said in the Almighty’s saying that when you are released and when you are released, he said, “I released the cattle, that is, I took them out from their saddlebags (the place of their cage) in the morning to the pasture [I said the blogger:Separation is the opposite of release and it is different from it, and we say the difference between the two men’s quarrel, i.e. a separation and distance between them, and his separation, i.e. the final separation after he separated him initially, (meaning the difference of what remained of their tracks after their separation originally), which here is the separation of the woman for her waiting period that was a barrier between her and her husband originally Any separation after separation, so the release then is separation after separation, and this indicates that the woman who was released had previously been out of her house, then she was taken out in the morning to her family’s house, so it is not said that someone who is not leaving her house is a disgrace, but rather the one who left her house or from her husband’s house before (They released them with kindness), conclusive evidence that the woman in herself, whose waiting period has expired according to the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) did not prevent her from being discharged except for the sake of liberation, and this means that she was separated by the waiting period, i.e. she was expelled from her home by the waiting period and then released Automatically at the end of the waiting period, the article (S_R_H) indicates (parting after separation), that is, the free movement away after leaving a chain, so the woman is in her waiting periodWhen the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) were enforced, she had been forced to leave the marital home after casting the word divorce upon her, but she was given three readings in her father’s house to clear her womb.
, So he says Come on Surah Al-Baqarah (constituencies in the well-known or demobilized), while we will see the provisions of the Divorce Divorce in the fifth year that the Koran has used the word (if they are in terms of their knowledge or difference. " And the meeting, and from the common life that preceded the separation that occurred between the parties), and there is no application or legislation in this verse for the meaning of demobilization, as parting is against release and it is different from it, and we say the difference between the two men, i.e. separation, and distance between them, but release is separation after separation. In conclusion, I say:[The dismissal is a separation after separation, but the separation is a separation after documentation], so the dismissal in Surat Al-Baqarah was a separation (by pronunciation, leaving the house, followed by a separation by the expiration of the waiting period and the woman’s exit from it), while the paradox in Surat Al-Talaq became (a separation after documenting, as the woman is in the provisions of divorce). The status in Surat Al-Talaq has become still a wife on the covenant and covenant of her husband throughout the duration of the waiting period, but with the expiry of it and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a paradox, and it becomes permissible for others from the moment. And his husband and her husband books lessons with her.Her husband is the length of the waiting period, but with the expiry of the waiting period and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a separation, and it is permissible for others at once. Or their difference, and I see you, and I see you, and I will seek the certificate of God.Her husband is the length of the waiting period, but with the expiry of the waiting period and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a separation, and it is permissible for others at once. Or their difference, and I see you, and I see you, and I will seek the certificate of God.Farqohn with the well-known and witnessed you, and I saw the certificate of God.Farqohn with the well-known and witnessed you, and I saw the certificate of God.)]
6)^ One of the important differences between the legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) and what came after it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), is the following: In Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was established in the form of: the waiting period first, then holding or divorce
...............*..............* ................
Q/ Is divorce according to Surat Al-Baqarah considered valid today, counted and calculated and entails rights
C / No .. except for the one who was not replaced by God Almighty
Q / Why?
C / The divorce of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH was replaced by God the Creator by the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq5 AH, most of the divorce legislation ended in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, unless it is not
. Yes, in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, the waiting period was a waiting period for uttering and divorcing the word
. Instead of calculating them
. A Yes. The project of divorcing has begun and is prepared for them, but it will not be realized until after the waiting period has passed
. Q / What do you mean by initiation and investigation, and is there a difference between initiation and investigation?
A / Initiation is merely preparation for the investigation step
Q/ What is the difference between initiation and investigation?
C/ Initiation is in the verses of Surat Al-Talaq, indicated by the style of the non-firm condition {If you divorce, then divorce} meaning if you want to divorce {Initiation { So they divorced them {
Fulfillment} I mean, they achieved what you had begun by implementing and separating after the waiting period and
its expiry
. The Qur’an and its legitimacy came from the extension of its obligation from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and it remained unchanged. Three recitations and the Qur’aan are menstruation and purity 2. The number of those who did not get pregnant and they are A} the despairing of menstruation b) and the young women who did not breastfeed C) and some of those who breastfeed their children 3. And the number of those who have not conceived and they are The end of the pregnancy by giving birth to a miscarriage or childbirth - in this situation the wife is divorced

Q /
Was this number in Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / No, there was only a waiting period for those who only had a baby, and its legitimacy moved to Surat Al-Talaq by extension, and this was expressed with the letter of kindness {and}
Q/ Is this legislation for Surat Al-Talaq considered the completeness of the divorce legislation that God has judged?
C/ Yes, and God has accepted it for us as a religion and a law that we follow and on the Day of Resurrection, and the evidence for this is that the revelations of divorce rulings were completely cut off after downloading Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH
Q/ I mean, can I say that the content Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH has copied the content of the legislation on divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and what is the type of transcription?
A / Yes, and the type of copying is wildcard copying.
Q / Does the Qur'an referred to this kind of copy of the allowance
C / God said: (102) / Surah An-NahlAnd He, the Most High, said :
“We do not abrogate or forget a verse, We bring something better or similar to it.}
Q/ Is it possible to summarize the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq and a simple comparison between it and the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah
C/ The legislation of Surat Al-Talaq is the legislation of strictness, certainty, perfection and perfection that God has accepted for us from the religion of Islam, and there is no legislation after it until the Day of Resurrection and the end of the differences in the provisions of divorce
Q/ Did God Almighty describe it? By describing the limits or imposing his dominance until the Day of Judgment
C / Yes, he said
, come = and fear God your Lord
= and those are the limits of God
= and whoever transgresses the limits of God has wronged himself
= you do not know, perhaps God will happen after that a
matter = and bear witness to those who are just among you
= and establish testimony to God
= that is a matter God sent it down to you
= that is what He admonishes whoever believes in God and the last day.
= And whoever fears God makes him a way out (2) and I will note from where he does not count
= and who trusts God is true
Q /
What is the specific duty then
C/ It is God’s command to the Prophet and the believers that if one of them wants to initiate a divorce from his wife, that 1. He counts the waiting period of three Qur’an or three lunar months or what remains of the pregnancy until the pregnant woman gives birth and then the term or waiting period expires The time for a real divorce has come.
Q/ Does he have to divorce if the time has come, and what if he revises himself and wants not to divorce?
A / God’s mercy has been manifested in a way that astonishes minds, as justice requires that he who counts the waiting period and the time has come to be obliged to do it and divorce, but God, the Merciful, the Gentle, the All-Knowing of the conditions of His servants gave the husband a chance before the contract was broken, the house was destroyed and the children and wife scattered. Perhaps he wakes up and retreats and takes hold of his wife and does not divorce her, for my father is nothing but divorce, so let the just Muslims witness the divorce and he does not blame anyone but himself after this divine tolerance with him. He is bestowed with the option to abstain, for my father is to divorce and testify
Q/ What is the ruling on a man divorcing his wife today by uttering the divorce?
C / The time for uttering the divorce expired at the beginning of the waiting period with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, so that the utterance of divorce is invalidated except after spending a period in the marital home of three readings for those who are incubating and three lunar months for those who despair of menstruation and those who do not cuddles such as young and breastfeeding women who miss menstruation due to breastfeeding and early pregnancies until the end Pregnancy by giving birth or by miscarriage
Q/ What is the definitive evidence for that from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
C/ The evidence from the Qur’an is the verses revealed in Surat Al-Talaq in the year 5 AH
Q/ Mention this Quranic evidence
(C) If they are entitled to them, and they wish them with the well-known or familiar with you, and I will see the people of you and establish the certificate of God. God has decree for everything (3) / Surah Al-Talaq }
Q/ So what is the evidence from the correct Sunnah and it does not contradict the evidence?
c/ The hadith of Abdullah bin Omar in the narration of the Golden Chain Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of bin Omar on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace
/ Ismail bin Abdullah told us that Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar May God be pleased with them both that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating at the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. So Umar ibn al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him take her back and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then becomes pure, then if he wants, hold on after And if he wishes, he may divorce before he touches, then that is the waiting period that God commanded that women be divorced for her [p.: 258] / Sahih al-Bukhari}
Q/ What is the argument in the verse and hadith?
C / The argument in the verse is the
Almighty saying [[[[If you divorce....then divorce them for]. They counted... and they counted... do not drive them out of their homes.. and they do not go out ... and these are the limits of God ... if they reach their term ... then they seize them ... or separate them ... [The place of divorce is here after they reach their term, which is that moment Expected after maturity]
Q / What is the argument in all of this?
C / The argument lies in every word that the Qur’an came with in these verses
. Q / How?
C / {{{{If you divorce....then divorce them....]]]] is a method of a non-deterministic condition that benefits the realization of the initiation of divorce for the one who wants to divorce in the future time specified in the verse {{If they reach their term, then withhold them or {{split them}} } Or it is useful to realize the separation in the time of answering the precondition mentioned in the act of the condition with the term “Lam Al-term” for meaning in a sense[ after]
2. for . I have a lame, I mean after their enemy and to revoke
it . Leave me among my people, and set right, and do not follow the path of the mischief-makers (142) And when Moses came to him. ..our time {meaning after the end of our appointed time for it} And the word of his Lord said, Lord, see me, see me, see you will not see me but see the mountain.}}
3. Count the count, and the census is the counting for a definite end. As for counting, it is not called for an infinite definite for its countable.. It is called for the counted without a definite end..
The census is the most definitive proof that the separation (divorce) has been postponed until the end of the counted [iddat and is called the census kit.]
4. If you divorced....then divorce them...for their waiting period and count the waiting period...
5. And the evidence for the permissibility of seclusion between spouses with the wording {{Do not drive them out of their homes nor go out}} is the most definitive proof of postponing divorce until after the waiting period that verse that is, permissibility of seclusion between spouses to the degree of adhesion and incubation in the house between them except for intercourse, which is one of the necessary preparations for separation The end of the waiting period, so that if the husband had intercourse with his wife, the census procedures would collapse, and if they wanted to appeal the case of divorce, they had to start the counting from the beginning {Do not drive them out of their homes... nor do they go out} except in a situation in which all women are equal, whether they are the ones who have been warned of divorce or who are unaware in her home as a wife, which is a case The immoral act, i.e. adultery, is proven.
6. Those are the limits of God, where this form of divorce for after the waiting period became one of the limits of God in the text of the verse that the believers cannot transgress
. 1. Because it is linked to God’s decree in legislating what we do not know and God knows
. 2. . And the command of the Almighty has one of His limits
7. If they reach their term, then hold them... And holding is against sending, because of the words of God Almighty.{ Whatever God opens to people of mercy, He cannot hold it, and whatever He holds, there is none sent after Him after Him.(2) / Surat Fatir} The meaning is to keep the wife who completed the census as a wife if her husband wants not to divorce her, then the time still allows for her to be kept as a wife because God Almighty has left and postponed the divorce to arrange the waiting period
______________________________ >
Or they separated...
8. The evidence for the verse [Do not expel them from their homes nor go out] is a leave of seclusion between spouses for nothing other than that they are still spouses upon the covenant and covenant during the census period, because God Almighty has departed and postponed the divorce until after the census.}
9. And those are the limits of God. This legislation has become one of God’s limits that cannot be transgressed, transgressed, or transgressed. I mean, divorce became in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, which is the waiting period, then abstaining or separating according to the husband’s will is one of the limits of God
1-. And if they reach their term, then seize them...or separate them...
and we said that holding fast is conclusive evidence in itself that the separation has not occurred until its date, that is, until the waiting period ends and the husband chooses at the end of this waiting period, as long as he remains determined to divorce {differentiation} or relapses and withdraws from it {i.e., he chooses to refrain from it} and he has no third option, either to withdraw or either Divorce at the end of the waiting period.
Q: If he chooses to retreat, it means to hold back, would he be mocking and playing with the signs of God?
A: Absolutely not.. This legislation with this tolerance and divine transgression is what God legislated and there is no blame on God’s law, and it is the meaning that God Almighty intended in His saying{ You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that (1) / Divorce}
What is the evidence from the purified Sunnah?
The hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar , with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet
[[[ Ismael bin Abdullah told us. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, about that, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him go back to her and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then purifies, then if he wants, hold after and if he wants, divorce before he touches. Almost the same context and pronunciation]]]
/ We have chosen the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet... because it is the narration of the Golden Chain in the mouth of Al-Bukhari and Ibn Hajar ... and they are peaks in memorization, criticism, control and mastery .... especially in Ibn Umar ... and do not pay attention to those who said otherwise
/ it is the narration and the criterion on which all of Abdullah's narrations are controlled. Ibn Umar and
Malik do not surpass him or equal him in every matter of hadith, that is in memorization, control or mastery
/ as well as entering the other narrations on the authority of Abdullah bin Umar many of the ills of the text and the chain of transmission ... And the narration with meaning, visualization, summary, abbreviation and personal understanding as a reason for hadith Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, in his narration of the hadith of divorce during pregnancy... and he did not follow it from any narrator in any way or witness
/ rather it is in violation of the legislation of the Noble Qur’an in the text of the number and timing of divorce.
/ The reason for it came from his illusion that divorce is only in the case of purity and the pregnant woman in his conception is pure, so it is permissible in his conception of her divorce, so he narrated it from his own imagination and they are illusion and in violation of the evidence established by him and a great anomaly in his narration
/ Just as it is any narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar in agreement with the text of the Qur’an in Everything in the postponement of divorce for the anus, and in the paths of the number, and in the timing of the divorce after the waiting period, and so
on, and in the number, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said {{Once, let him review it until she becomes pure, then menstruates, and then becomes pure. { These two recitations, each of them is a menstruation and a purity.} And the third recitation was expressed by the Prophet who was given all the words, and the wisdom was summed up for him by the two circumstance of time: to hold the husband after or to divorce before he touches. And if he wants to be divorced before he touches, the third purity is specified because touch means intercourse and it is until the moment of the third purification that he is allowed to hold his wife as one of the two options given to the husband at the end of the waiting period, either abstinence and the last time of entering the third menstruation is like a notification of the alarm and a reduction in the time to act with constipation, or divorce and no third. What was brought by Malik’s hadith on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, the authority of the hadiths of divorce by Ibn
Umar ---------------------------------------------
Q/ Has the form changed? Assignment when a Muslim wants to divorce his wife between Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH and Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH?
A / Yes, the form and content have changed. In Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, the form was that the divorce took place, then the content entailed, as the form in Surat Al-Baqarah was that the divorce occurred, then the woman would observe [the waiting period of istibra] and the consequences included in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, so this form changed and accordingly changed its content when The revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH to the imposition of the occurrence of the waiting period first [the number of censuses] and then the occurrence of divorce for those who refuse to hold
back Q 1. Are there two downloads for the legislation of divorce and what legislation do we adhere to?? And why does the Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, do that, and I know that God does not ask about anything and they ask?
C Did you not know that to God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and besides God you have no guardian and no helper/Al-Baqarah (107)(And if we allow us to place, and God
knows what they come down?) / Surah An-Nahl{
And from here we learned that God Almighty has the absolute will to send down what He wills and alter what He wants in the course of His revealed legislation, but we have been informed that He, Glory be to Him, sends down the Qur’an containing a law to match His revelation to the energies of human beings [at every stage of the legislation when the legislation was being sent down] and gradual with them in the assignments God Almighty until He raises them to certainty and mandated judgment that will remain until the Day of Resurrection{ He who brought you the book from which the verses of the books are the mother of the book, the mother of the book and the last similar.) Our Lord does not visit our hearts after our gift and gave us from your Lord, and you are the Wahab.}
But as saying, as saying, as saying.(34)/ Surat Al-An’am - in the Sunnahs that God has sealed in all His command, Glory be to Him, as far as the legislation is counted, then it will take the form of eternal stability after its completion by placing astrology by the revelation of the revelation to the Prophet [may God’s prayers and peace be upon him]. [May God’s prayers and peace be upon him] to leave to be given a choice, so he chooses the supreme companion, the revelation is interrupted, and he seals the legislation with perfection, completeness, and contentment.
[ Today you have completed your religion and you have done you and you will see you Islam.
But Glory be to him when he ruled his verses not allowed to be one of his creation with her alleged swreets. 102) / Surah An-Nahl{ Then He
, Most High, says: {He said, “Do not dispute with me, when I have presented to you with a threat.) On the Day we will say to Hell, "Has it filled" and you will say: Is there any more?(30) / Surat S} I said this in the promise and has established God's bases before in the first creation
and he said. "They want to replace the words of God." Surah Al-Fath}
I say the blogger, after God Almighty rules a legislation that no one is allowed to alter, and the signs of judgment often appear to God for His servants, and from this law of divorce that God began in Surah Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH and completed and ruled it in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH by changing it and He is the murid, Glory be to Him, in the period of revelation
1 = because it is the period In which God Almighty limited resemblance and precision
2 = which is the period during which the Prophet of God created Muhammad to receive the revelation of heaven
3 =But after the height of the revelation and the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is not allowed to change the words of God in his legitimacy and his wife and seal the legislation of saying not in creativity is good from him and not in the best of the most beautiful of him. Unrepentant sacrifice for sin, for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (3)/Surat Al-Ma’idah}
4 = After this perfection there is no perfection and it is abstained, and after this perfection there is no perfection and it is forbidden to occur, and after this satisfaction there will be no satisfaction because it has reached the limit / and no one has the right to change I say no one has the right to change I do not say a word but a letter in the religion of God and this is the meaning that occurred The people of interpretation and changed everything that God Almighty sealed with perfection, completeness and contentment, so they turned it into a parallel legislation that is not right in anything and this coincided with His revelation of the
Qur’an as a astrologer and a sign for that to prove
His Prophet. The first is in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH . The second stage is in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH /

And each stage had a form and a rule that was compatible with the form of the stage in which the Soorat al-Baqarah was revealed. The form of divorce was phased and entered by the gradual element of assignment, but it was the beginning of divorce legislation, and it was in it, and this means that we are waiting for a tight download and replace it with the prevailing divorce legislation when the rule of its provisions for Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, as we show here after Several lines. The first legislation that will be changed later was characterized by the following . The
legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah was characterized by:.
A} / The woman in it is called divorced because divorce was a juvenile and always follows
the pronunciation 1 = Whenever the husband utters the divorce [during the period of choice in its creation], whenever he builds an edifice with family demolition, the one who divorces is called an absolute {and divorced women wait in wait..}
2} / And the consequences were directly collapsing, namely 1. The waiting period 2. The woman’s naming of the divorced woman is one of the most important of these consequences 3. Her becoming a foreign stranger after his utterance of divorce 4. The thing that caused ruins on the house just now
[a] It was a monument The house, with its wife, offspring and husband, is subject to the husband’s revolution with the different types of men, some of them are wise, and some are foolish, ignorant, and some are intelligent, and some are stupid
[b] . The repercussions of its negative consequences that people see with critical eyes and threatening feelings, and the repercussions it suffers, for which a radical and firm solution has not been established, even before the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
[c]Therefore, the expert wise revealed legislation for divorce in which a solution to all the implications of the application is characterized by clarity and provisions for all the provisions of divorce in the unseen and witnessed, so God Almighty revealed Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
3} / As for the stalking, its form distinguished the provisions of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which is that she waits and watches the divorced herself by herself, three readings that she carries in her womb A sperm is waiting for Walid to come after several months, but she was the only one responsible before God for her trust in the repercussions of her divorce without the husband bearing any of these consequences, because his pronouncement of divorce imposed a state of arrangements, including the sanctity of being alone with him in one place and dwelling and its damages to go out to her guardian’s house immediately after Pronouncing divorce on her for all of this, above the knowledge of God who is not absent from Him absent in the heavens or on the earth , so the
Almighty decreed by downloading Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH approximately / in which is the decisive solution for all the similarities in the rulings of divorce and until the Day of Resurrection
It is absent from the Muslims that Satan will try to corrupt what the Creator, the Most High, has decreed, using the tendencies of some Muslims after the generation of prophecy to rule them and corrupt what God has decreed with certainty for the provisions of divorce, including a few lines in this miraculous surah [Surat At-Talaq 5 AH]
4}/ Among the forms of application of the provisions of divorce when the rule of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH is that the divorced woman observes the waiting period in the house of her guardian and not the house of the divorced one, due to the occurrence of alienation between them just by uttering it and becoming foreign to him, because divorce broke the marriage covenant that bound them
5}/ This is because seclusion at that time does not and is not permitted. Between strangers, and the pronouncement of divorce at that time was one of the most important factors that achieved alienation and solitude between them, so the wife of Thabit bin Qais, when her husband sent her the last three divorces, went out to prepare for divorce before Abdullah bin Umm Maktum [when the rule of divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah] and in the same circumstances Abdullah’s wife came out Ibn Umar went to the house of her guardian, and he did not escape her from that except that the prevailing legislation at that time had revealed the revelation of heaven by changing it, so when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, knew that, he wasted Ibn Umar’s act and said once, let him review it.... Hadith}
/This has not been the case for any of the Muslims since the mission to the fifth or sixth year of the Hijrah 5 or 6 AH. This does not mean that favoritism, forbid God and His Messenger, or favor with which Ibn Umar was rescued, but because the Shariah that prevailed and divorce occurred was the law of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and because it They were exchanged simultaneously, and not everyone knew without exception that the previous law of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH was subject to God’s decree by switching at the time when Ibn Omar was judged by God to divorce his wife, and he did not know that even though he divorced her, she was not divorced because the legislation in Surat Divorce 5 AH This new house included the replacement of most of what prevailed in the past when the rulings of Surat Al-Baqarah 5 AH prevailed, but Abdullah was unaware of the new rulings that were revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and he did not know and there is nothing in his view that opposes his action, and he is all confident that he has divorced his wife, so when the Prophet Muhammad learned That was her response to him and he assigned him with the new revelation in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH [Divorce for the waiting period] and explained it in the most correct version of Malik.On the authority of Nafi`, on the authority of Ibn Umar
Q: Is it permissible to divorce during pregnancy?
A / Click on the following link, put your right hand on the mouse and your left hand on the control button, so that the link will open for you, God willing,
to achieve the abstention from divorce of a pregnant woman and its nullity if something happens....
Q/ How does a man divorce his wife after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
A/ Click on this link. How does a man divorce his wife in the tolerant Sharia of Islam? And the...
Q/ Did the verse of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq abrogated all the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah?
C / She abrogated most of its provisions in divorce, and several of the first burdens remain, the ruling on the muscle of the divorced marriage and the provisions of khul’, but under the rule of divorce in the new surah [Surat Al-Talaq 5AH] Click the link* * The verse of divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq copied the verse of divorce in Surat Al- Baqarah 2 AH
Q/ What is the difference between the divorce legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah, which was changed after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH?
C / click this link The difference between demobilization and differentiation between soti cow and divorce...
Q/ Can you schedule the difference between the two legislations?
A / Yes, in this link there is a table of differences between divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq and...
and this link is a table of differences in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-... / Table of differences in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Suh... // Table
( the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and Q...
Table (the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and... /
What are they? Table (the difference between the provisions of divorce in Surat...
/ The difference between divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baq...
/ Another presentation of the difference between Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baqarah in Tishri... / The difference is better%%% / /. The provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Talaq% / Table of difference in divorce legislation (between the two surahs of divorce... / The difference in divorce legislation between the two surahs of divorce (5 AH) and...................................
Q/ Is divorce in
Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH considered superior to its provisions that are in Surat Al-Baqarah
C/ Yes This link provided divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq, which dominated the law of divorce ... / Divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq a copy of the one that was...
Q/ Can you provide a comprehensive view of the issue of divorce for the waiting period?
A / Yes, and this is the links to divorce for the kit very detailed
Divorce for the waiting period is the law that will remain until the Day of Resurrection
1. The first divorce book of the kit
The Book of Divorce by Al-Hafiz Imam Al-Bukhari
Q/ What is the meaning of statistics and enumeration
c/ Here in this link the meaning of statistics and enumeration
Q/ Do we consider the system of divorce in Islam to be the system of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH
C/ Yes, in the following link, the system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting periodThe system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period*
Q] / Why did the jurists differ among themselves in every part of the divorce, until their differences reached quarrels, quarrels and fights as if they were in a battlefield?
A] The reason for this is due to three factors , the
is 1. The perpetrator did not realize that the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2H and the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5AH has a significance for God’s wisdom and will, and they did not pay attention to that which was mentioned in the previous presentation of the wisdom of God and his knowledge of the conditions of His servants and the misbehavior of some of them in the affairs of some of them If they arrived at their demolition and destruction
2. Then passionate the party for the judiciary of God in the legislation of the copier and copied in the first civil Sura revealed it [What we are reproduced]] - Then followed by an explicit verses supporting the copies in Sharia. Surah An-Nahl]...
All of this did not attract the attention of a single jurist after the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace to this day, and God knows best the condition of his servants, except that I read Professor Ahmed Shaker a new and incomplete view that is the closest to the truth in his book The System of Divorce in Islam, as well as Dr. Muhammad Tolba Zayed, although his view of it is rich and great knowledge, but it is incomplete because he did not look at the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Talaq. That the abrogated legislation invalidates the work of it because God has decreed its erasure and He is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, and from what God Almighty has erased in the Qur’an 1. From it what remains is a drawing and erases its ruling 2. And from it what God has erased its drawing and ruling as the legislation prohibiting alcohol remains the drawing of the permissibility but the drawing of the prohibition also exists so that God knows who is in Their hearts are deviation from those who are firmly on the truth.
The second strike caused by the difference in the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar
, which reached more than 14 differences, under each of them there are several common differences, bringing the number of differences on the jurisprudence of his garden to what is known only to God alone. Between the narrators and not paying attention to the fact that in such a matter efforts must be devoted and an agreement be reached on the most accurate chain of narrators to preserve in order to stave off disagreement among the nation in the most important legislation. His wife's divorce.
Q/ A man wants to divorce his wife while she is menstruating, is that appropriate??
A / No, because divorce requires a number of counting before its implementation
[1. Three readings for women who menstruate: menstruation, purification, menses, purity, then menstruation, and the third purification in which constipation or divorce takes place
2. Or three lunar months for women who are desperate for menstruation and those whose menstruation has stopped, such as young girls and some breastfeeding women are 3 After the lunar months, constipation or divorce takes place
. 3. What remains of the pregnancy period for the first pregnancies takes place at the end of them, and after them when the pregnant woman gives birth while she is in her jet. I say: After that, constipation or divorce takes place.]
Q/ The jurists say that a pregnant woman must divorce her during her purity or during her pregnancy. Is this correct?
A / This is not true. Rather, they relied on an odd narration that was unique to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha is a homosexual. Al-Nasa’i said in the districts, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman did not follow through on it. He meant an abnormality in it, as he intended that it is a non-preserved narration, and its abnormality is supported by his legacy for all the narrators of the hadith of Ibn Umar. As we did not find anyone who mentioned it in the twenty-nine paths mentioned in Al-Bukhari, Muslim and other Sunni works, in addition to accusing Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, for his memorization and control and winking over them, such as Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Ibn Abi Hatim and others. [Only three] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links] [Only Registered Users Can See Links
] ---------
Q / So divorce during pregnancy is not valid because it is invalid?
A / Yes, and the Qur’anic verse in this is correct and has dominance and sovereignty [The basis for the inference here is the death of God Almighty and knows the condition of the pregnant woman.]
Q/ How can we know the state of carrying the first loads with certainty
1. By birth
2. Or by confirmed miscarriage, because there are two types of miscarriage
1. Threatened miscarriage
2. Confirmed miscarriage that descends with miscarriage, the contents of the uterus such as the placenta and sperm 3. If we are confused, let us wait for several days and perform a pregnancy test analysis. If it is given negative, then this is a certain miscarriage
.... ........................
Q/ A man swore to divorce his wife so that she would obey him in something forbidden, or rather something lawful, and she became lazy and did not implement it. What is the ruling?
A/ First..there is no swearing in God’s law of divorce
. Q/ The jurists say that a pregnant woman must be divorced during her purity or during her pregnancy. Is this correct?
A / This is not correct. Rather, they relied on an odd narration that was unique to Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, who was anomalous. Al-Nasa’i said in the districts that Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman did not follow through on it. He meant an abnormality in it, as he intended that it is a non-preserved narration, and its abnormality is supported by his legacy for all the narrators of the hadith of Ibn Umar. As we did not find anyone who mentioned it in the twenty-nine paths mentioned in Al-Bukhari, Muslim and other Sunni works, in addition to accusing Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of Talha, for his memorization and control and winking over them, such as Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Ibn Abi Hatim and others. [Only three months old and
A / Yes, and the Qur’anic verse in this is correct and has dominance and dominance [The basis for the inference here is the death of God Almighty. The condition of the pregnant woman is known by her pregnancy in everything that the pregnant woman and the pregnant women consider their term to deliver their pregnancy and from that the position of the divorce or the pregnancy is not divorced by the pregnant woman except with certainty]
Q/ How can we know with certainty the position of carrying the first loads?
A/ By birth or by confirmed miscarriage, because there are two types of miscarriage:
1. Threatened miscarriage
2. Confirmed miscarriage that descends with miscarriage, the contents of the uterus such as the placenta and sperm 3. If we are in doubt, let us wait for several days and conduct a pregnancy test analysis. If a negative pregnancy test is given, this is a certain miscarriage
. To obey him in something forbidden, or rather something lawful, and you became lazy and did not implement it. What is the ruling?
A / First..there is no swearing in God’s law
ssselves in the law of God. The waiting period /// If they reach their term, then if you want not to divorce{ So retain them with kindness, or divorce them if you wish, or separate them with kindness} but by witnessing as God Almighty said::
Q/ Do you count wrongful divorce?
A / The divorce in which the divorced person violated the law of God is not counted, because God Almighty has legislated for those who want divorce to be divorced according to what he intends, the Exalted, the Exalted, and his restriction to this approach
Q: The liquid is asked, how will God change part of a lawn, and he is the most beautiful. There is one in it, because it is the opposite of His will, Glory be to Him, is the one on whom divine constancy has been carried out and whose matter has ended, such as the laws of the universe or theories of running and cosmic control, and all that has its effect is that it does not change. May God’s peace and blessings be upon him and the stability of legislation according to the purpose of God and the intention of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to the Day of Resurrection. Change, God Almighty has disobeyed.
3. Q3. What is divorce for the waiting period??
3 . C 3. Divorce for the waiting period is the divine revelation that abrogates the image of divorce that was prevalent in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2. H by alteration
4 /. It is the command revealed to Muslims in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, and God Almighty replaced the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
5. Q 5. how ??
A 5. God the Creator replaced the form of the rule of divorce in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was a
divorce and then a waiting period, where the woman who was divorced was considered divorced and considered a divorce for herself and her womb, and it was called the “iddah of istibra” / with the new form that became into a waiting period
, then constipation or divorce, as the matter became in the new legislation and it has been postponed There is a divorce in the course of the waiting period, and the waiting period has preceded it, and it is called the “iddah of census
” ………………………………
Q 6. What do you say to me?
The number of Al-Istibra is one of the characteristics of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and the number of statistics is one of the characteristics of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
Q 7...Why is this discrepancy between them?? The discrepancy came from the nature of the two laws. Wherever the subject of divorce was, the path was arranged, noting that the place of divorce was taken away from the hands of the husbands, for they had no choice in it after the revelation of Surat Al -
Talaq with the text of the words of God Almighty
: { Oh, Prophet, if you divorce the women , divorce them. In Surat Al- Talaq 5 AH 2 = and it is in the form of a mandated call in which the Prophet issued in his capacity as the representative of the nation from the time of the assignment until the rise of the 3rd hour =

The mandate included a new ruling that is summarized in the caller, who are the Prophet and those with him from among the believers until the Day of Judgment, and a mandate is that whoever wants the nation to be divorced, let him divorce after the kit, meaning after the kit, and it is indicated here by the laam appended in the word several (for the kit) and it is called lam meaning after
.. ....................................
Q/ Are there any clues that indicate that it is the mother of the term or the end of the end or I mean yet??
C / Yes, the mother is not an illusion of a function that is to start and be frank here. To come out and thought they had to prevent them from God.)
/ But if such evidence did not come, the lam would indicate that it is the mother of the dimension / then a presumption of the first indicates that it is before and not the lam after.[ We promised us thirty nights and we believe in ten times the Lord of his Lord forty nights. So when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it crumble, and Moses fell down stunned, and when he woke up, He said, Glory be to You, do you repent? (143)]
And like saying, saying the word for the word for our gelatna is Lam after means when Moussi came after our meeqat. He dispersed from you want and guide from you, and you want to forgive us and forgive us and you are the best of the gorge
The closure to her lack of laminated with a later or mother means the goal after the path
/ and in the verse, as well as took your Lord if he takes the villages, which is an unjust that takes him very painful (102). Witnessed (103) and we only delay it for an appointed time (104) / Hood]
And the Qur’an is full of this meaning, for the purpose of the mother, or the meaning of the meaning after
Or does it mean an initiation into the realization of the event
C / it is a method of initiation and not an investigation, and it is intended that if you want to divorce women, which is the meaning such as his saying, come to prayer, and the meanings are all included in if not assertive. Which in her answer indicates the investigation of what comes from the future tense
Q/ Is divorce the obligation of God Almighty to be achieved after the waiting period, so it is necessary to count it?
A / Yes, because we do not know the end of it except by counting that number, and the census is the counting for a known time
Q/ Are there interceptive Qur’anic sentences here and what is their value in the context?
C/ Yes, these are the six interceptive Qur’anic sentences {Oh, O Prophet, if you divorce women, then divorce them for their waiting period, which comes after the original six verses of the Qur’an, which is the correct sentence from the sentence that you said in the sentence. Interceptive Qur'anic sentences and the related meaning of the main context is:
[ Oh Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period, and count the waiting period. Here are the six interrogative Qur’anic sentences.E So if they reach their term, then seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness, and make just and just people bear witness to them][]
rhetoric here is that if we read the first context connected to the second, as if [O Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period.If they are entitled to them, and they wish them to know or have known them and seeking the certificate of God.
The value of these Qur’anic sentences is a preemption by God’s reminder to His servants that what remains for the believer is the content that includes their meanings
. E1 and fear God your Lord
2e do not graduate from the
3 / E and do not be closed but they are built with a deserted
4 / E and those of the limits of God
5e and whoever limits God has lost the same
6 E You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that] and an explanation that He, the Most High, still permits seclusion between them, so there is nothing wrong with them getting close to the point that He, Glory be to Him, forbade any argument that distracts them from each other, so He permitted seclusion between them as self-evident
1. Because they are both
spouses . Husbands take them out of their homes, which is her husband's house.
3. It is forbidden for them to go out, surrounding them both with warnings and warnings so that one of them does not waste time on the other
4.In this regard, everything between them is permitted and everything is higher between them except for intercourse, not because it is forbidden between them, but because if they have intercourse, all the preparation procedures that prepare for separation at the end of the waiting period have collapsed with this intercourse. In the midst of it all is longing, craving, and attraction to each other more than before, and permission for everything permissible between them, even intercourse, which if they wanted to proceed to divorce, they would abstain from it until they reached their term. He divorces her and remembers the words of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, [A believer does not rub a believing woman if he dislikes her, he will be pleased with her at the end of the hadith] and here God’s wisdom is manifested in His saying [You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that (1)/ Surat Al-Talaq]
Q: State these interrogative sentences and state the main contextEhhhhhhhhhhh O
Prophet If you shut up the women , they put them for their enemy . Perhaps after that God will bring about a matter (1

..... If they are entitled to them, and they wish them with the well - known
or differed
. "And fear God your Lord
. Perhaps after that God will bring about a matter (1

Then if they reach their term, then seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness
And I appalled by you and the certificate of God. It is better than your women..
_) And he is in terms of what he does not count and who trusts God is true. ease of his command (4) That is the command of God He has revealed to you, and whoever fears God will atone for his sins (5).Q /
I mean, what should a person who wants to divorce his wife do?
C/ They both have to observe iddat and be present at home day and night, except as required by the provision of alimony, so the husband must do, but the wife does not leave the house and does not leave the house at all, unless they commit a clear indecency, which is adultery
Q/ What if That the husband uttered the divorce before the waiting period was completed
c / they do not have to make any utterance of the divorce as long as it was not after the waiting period, which is the waiting period for the census
{ The book has come down to you with the truth confirming what is between His hands and down the Torah and the Bible (3) by Huda for people and dropped the teams that those who disbelieve the verses of God have a severe torment and God is revenge (4Nothing is hidden from God on earth nor in heaven (5) It is He who shapes you in the wombs of God Almighty.)
O Prophet If you shut down women, they brought them to their
enemies and gave the two original
context . He wronged himself 5 = You do not know, perhaps God will do something after that (1

Realizing the abstention of a pregnant woman's divorce and its nullity if it occurs only after she gives birth
How did Surat Al-Talaq - divorce for a pregnant woman from her husband who decided to divorce her by delaying the divorce until after the delivery of the pregnancy?!!
Here is the statement:
You can move the adjustment bar at the bottom of the blog page to center the page
to achieve abstaining from divorce of a pregnant woman and nullifying it if it occurs only after she gives birth,
click this link
The form of divorce in pregnancy After the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth Hijri year, the husband begins to notify his wife that she counts the months of pregnancy with his intention to divorce her (or if he was traveling or absent from her for the duration of the pregnancy and the time for childbirth came, or she did not complete
her pregnancy and fell) ____ Then she remains in her home, which is his home Because they are both still married _____ then if he
has reached the end of the waiting period and both of them have counted it ______ and the husband’s role comes here and here only to hold his wife and fail to divorce or resolve to divorce, then he divorces __ then testifies and establishes the testimony that he divorced his wife ____ Then they separate to become the only solution for others and it has been confirmed that what is in Her womb is nothing, and that her newborn baby is her offspring from her husband who divorced her, and thus the lineages do not mix, and every living person knows who he is and who is not.) Repeated
in another font
Q// What does it mean if they are pregnant women then spend on them?
C / the first - the Almighty's saying: {Reside in them wherever you dwell. who finds you} Ashhab said on the authority of Malik: He leaves her if he divorces her and leaves her in the house; to say Almighty: { inhabit them}. If she had what he said, live them.
[ I said the blogger: This is an incorrect reasoning, because the speech is directed mainly to married men, and Ashhab bin Malik relied mainly on the women’s nun in his saying, Exalted be He.( place themThe correct and conclusive evidence that their residence is one in the same house is the marital home( In terms of where you lived) and the wives’ house (their homes) is an expression from where you resided, which God Almighty has made obligatory. A single house and God Almighty has its purpose. He said: Perhaps God will bring about a matter after that
, because prioritizing the waiting period and delaying divorce after the waiting period... I say prioritizing the waiting period and delaying the divorce until after the waiting period... God has preserved the marital status between them, so there is no objection here, then, from their stay In their one house, because the divorce arrow did not strike them, but rather he is waiting for them at the end of the waiting period]
And Ibn Nafi’ said: Malik said in the words of God Almighty“ Accommodate them from wherever you reside” means the divorced women who are the sons of their husbands, there is no return to them and they are not pregnant. If she is pregnant, she has alimony, clothing and housing until her waiting period expires. As for those of them who did not build, their women inherit, and they do not go out unless their husbands allow them what was in their waiting period, and they were not ordered to live in for them because that is necessary for their husbands with their maintenance and clothing, whether they are pregnant or not. God only commanded the residence of the sons of their husbands along with their maintenance, God Almighty said: {And if they are pregnant women, then spend on them until they give birth to their children} So the Almighty made housing for the pregnant women and their husbands..
Is what the jurists said right, or is it right?
The blogger said all this is wrong because Ibn Nafeh confused the two Surahs of Al-Baqarah from which most of the provisions of divorce were erased with Surat Al-Talaq 7/6 AH in which God amended most of the provisions of divorce previously revealed in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH. Or the seventh of the Hijrah 7/6 AH. Ibn Nafeh did not notice that he was speaking in the contexts of the words that preceded in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, according to which the woman was considered divorced just by uttering the word divorce, so he confused that (considering her as divorced) and the Sharia court revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 6 or 7 for migration, which was judged God and His Messenger in it is that the woman is a wife who has not been divorced because God Almighty has decreed divorce in her to the end of the waiting period and behind her back wall
᭒ Permission to Divorce
Ibn al-Arabi said: He explained and realized that when Allah, Glory be to Him, mentioned housing, He released it for every divorced woman. The divorced women were before the sixth year of the Hijri, and from that severe error in integrating the inference with the incident of Fatimah bint Qais Ali housing legislation, as if she had been divorced after the sixth or seventh year of migration and it is definitely confirmed that she was divorced during the second year of migration when her husband sent her the last three divorces while he was in the conquest with Sariya Ali Ibn Abi Talib], when he mentioned the alimony, he tied it to pregnancy [I said the blogger: If people had reviewed the dates of these events, the problem would have been resolved, and we would have known the algorithms of these issues with ease and ease.]Q :
Is what Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi said correct here??
{ Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi said: It indicates that the irrevocably divorced woman does not have alimony
c / [I said the blogger: The jurists still infer the abrogated and the abrogated at the same time in the spectrum and field of divorce rulings, as the woman is no longer in Surat Al-Talaq when the fulfillment of the obligation to enumerate them, she and her husband together and in the house One but a wife who has not been divorced and will not be divorced until at the end of the waiting period, not only this, but also on another condition, which is if the husband resolves and resolves to divorce her and refuses to seize her, according to the Almighty’s saying (so if they reach their term, then they should seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness, and just witnesses among you.. verses)]. Al-Qurtubi said: It is a great issue that we have paved the way for in the Qur’an and Sunnah and meaning in matters of dispute. And this is its take from the Qur’an...Q :
Is what Al-Qurtubi said here correct?? I said, i.e. Al-Hafiz Al-Qurtubi: The
scholars differed about the divorced woman in three ways.
2. The view of Abu Hanifa and his companions is that she is entitled to housing and maintenance.
3. The view of Ahmad, Ishaq and Abu Thawr: That she has neither maintenance nor housing, according to the hadith of Fatima bint Qais.A/[I said to the blogger: What a wonder ,
does he refer to a hadith that preceded a later legislation, but that the later is the abrogator and eraser of the previous and that this is a time and that is a time and it is not appropriate to combine the two laws], she said: I entered the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and with me was my brother-in -law
Q/ When did this fact happen?
A / [I said this blogger in the second year of migration is in accordance with the provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH( See Sariya Ali bin Abi Talib and Qais bin Thabet with him) So I said: My husband divorced me, and this claims that I do not have a residence or maintenance? He said: "But you have the housing and you have the alimony." He said: Her husband divorced her three times. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Residence and maintenance are only for the one who has to take it back.”
Q/ What if this pronunciation is correct ?
c/ ( I said the blogger: If this wording is correct, then it is like that, because she is freeing her womb for the husband’s account, so that the womb is not filled with a newborn without his knowledge. However, no Qur’anic legislation was revealed in it included in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH during the first two years after the migration of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.Q /
How did Al-Qurtubi elaborate on the interpretation of the event?
Al-Qurtubi said at length in the narration of the hadith: When I came to Kufa, Al-Aswad bin Yazid asked me to ask me about that, and Abdullah’s companions say: It has housing and maintenance. Narrated by Al-Daraqutni. Muslim’s wording about her: that her husband divorced her during the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he spent on her without spending.. She said: So I mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said: “You have neither maintenance nor housing.” I said the blogger is an absolute term that includes her prohibition of claiming the right to alimony and housing, she and other divorced women according to the legislation of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which was revealed in the first two years of migration
Q / Which is correct Verbally and emphatically?
A / [I said the blogger: This is the fixed wording and not the wording of the previous narration: “The housing and the alimony is on the one who has to take it back”] {This is a context in which there is a contradictory verbal inclusion.}
* Al-Daraqutni mentioned on the authority of Al-Aswad, he said: Omar said when he heard the words of Fatimah bint Qais: We do not allow Muslims to say a woman’s statement. And it was made for the divorced three housing and alimony. Then he said, and on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, he said: Al-Aswad bin Yazid met me and said: O my people, fear God and turn back from the hadith of Fatima bint Qais; The Omar was making her housing and alimony. I said: I will not go back from something that Fatimah bint Qais told me on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
Q/ I see here an inference about an event that occurred in the second Hijri year mixed with the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq, the fifth status of the Hijri 5 AH, as it applies to Surat Al-Baqarah, the status of 2 AH, so is this permissible? Astonishing?
C / I said the blogger: Qatada and Ibn Abi Laila said: There is no residence except for the reactionary; Because He, the Most High, said: {You do not know, perhaps God will bring about a matter after that}, and the Almighty’s saying: “Reside in them.” God knows. And because the housing is affiliated with the maintenance and its course is ongoing; When she did not respond to the expense of the mabouta, she did not have to live. And the argument of Abu Hanifa is that the woman who has been killed is entitled to alimony, the Almighty’s saying: {And do not harm them, so that you will be hard on them. And in Omar's denial of Fatimah,
Q / What do you see here from their inferences, which is the correct one?
A / {I said the blogger noted the popular inference and his determination to deny alimony and housing on the modernization of Fatima bint Qais and because it was revealed before the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth or sixth year of Hijri
. In the second Hijri year,
he noticed accordingly the terrible difference between the two sayings, which was established due to the neglect of the element of temporal laxity between the two legislations, which indicates a switch between them and copies}
I said the blogger, then Al-Qurtubi said: Her statement does not show this, and because she is in the waiting period who deserves to live on the basis of a divorce, so she had the alimony as revocable, and because she was imprisoned on him by his right, so she deserved the alimony as the wife. And the evidence for Malik is the saying of the Most High: {And if you are the first to become pregnant} the verse. {I said here Al-Qurtubi mixed the legislation between the copyist in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and the abrogated one, which was revealed in 2 AH, as if there was no contradiction between them and abrogation} Al-Qurtubi said, resuming: on what was previously explained. It has been said: God Almighty mentioned the retroactive divorced woman and her rulings at the beginning of the verse to his saying: {Those who are just among you. It is general in every absolute; Then refer to the rulings after that to every divorced woman.
[ I said the blogger and the Hafiz’s explanation in which there is an unintended symptom of the element of temporal laxity between the two surahs] And what will follow follows this rule that we have originated and we have demonstrated the proof of the difference in history with no doubt that Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH is dominant over the foregoing revelation of the provisions of divorce in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH and that the will of the Creator was based on me The intent is to change the form of divorce from divorce, then several istibra, then release to several counts, then seizure or divorce, then separation, then witness
the verification of the hadith of the one who said there is no god but God entered heaven and to explain the uniqueness of Mahrez bin Qaanb Al-Bahili in it on the anomalies
An investigation of the hadith of Whoever said there is no god but God will enter Paradise and an explanation of the uniqueness of Mahrez bin Qaanb Al-Bahili on the abnormality and he is accused of memorizing it, as Abu Hatim bin Hibban Al-Bas said...
1. The numerical and temporal search for divorce Surat Al-Talaq
The numerical and temporal search for divorce Surat Al-Talaq The amazing rhetoric of one letter on which the legislation of divorce was built tightly, after which there is no similarity and certainty that invalidates every thought and promises...
The first to warn of the disturbance of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar, Professor Ahmed Muhammad Shaker,
the link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BgoZOCC18sWSnFOOBYvhlPhg1MR1L4eK/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file /d/1BgoZ...
The divorce of Surat Al-Talaq passes through 3 main time stations 1, 2 and 3..
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful The divorce of Surat Al-Talaq passes in 3 main time stations 1. A...
Rules and notes in the provisions of divorce Surat Al-Talaq
Rules and notes in the provisions of divorce Surat Al-Talaq
Total page views Ohu wa Lashirk2.
Blog Archive Oh..wa
1. Numerical and temporal research on divorce Surat Al-Talaq
Divorce in Surat Al-Talaq passes in 3 main time stations 1, 2 and 3.
3. The sixth part of the question and answer in the provisions of divorce according to Q...
* Q and C + testimonies + stations of Surat Al-Talaq
Introduction to Divorce from Surat Al-Talaq and to the Day of Resurrection and the aas...
The first to warn of the disorder of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar, Professor Ah...
The ruling on divorce of a pregnant woman is the abstention of divorce during pregnancy and the prohibition of the
conditional ( if) conditional in the Noble Qur’an, especially in the beginning of Surat Al- A’la....
Word table comparison between the original text and the interpolated text Ba...
The investigation of the hadith of Whoever said there is no god but God will enter Paradise and a clarification ...
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إرسال تعليق

What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce? //ما هي تفصيلات مراحل الطلاق ؟

  What are the details of the provisions of the census kits to reach the term of abstinence or divorce? ➌ Blog1. Tuesday, September 7, 2021 ...